Deserializing Json Response to a Dictionary<string, object> throws error : unexpected end when deserializing object

Deserializing Json Response to a Dictionary<string, object> throws error : unexpected end when deserializing object

您好,我正在尝试反序列化 json 响应,如下所示

            "WebCash" : { 
                "Id" : 1021,
                "RedemptionCode" : "sdfkjk",
                "PlayerCardId" : "3802",
                "Amount" : 8000,
                "Status" : 1,
                "PurchaseTimeStamp" : 1445020270,
                "RedeemTimeStamp" : 1445021971,
                "RetailerId" : "1781",
                "TerminalId" : "9",
            }, { 
                "Id" : 1160,
                "RedemptionCode" : "9123LKBJFDAXEK8194",
                "PlayerCardId" : "3802",
                "Amount" : 10000,
                "Status" : 3,
                "PurchaseTimeStamp" : 1445020270,
                "RetailerId" : "1781",
                "TerminalId" : "9",

当我们没有不同的块时它工作正常但当我们的响应类型为 { [ {, ,}, {, ,} ] }


String Expected_Response = Response;
Dictionary<String, Object> ActualResponse_Dic = null; 
ActualResponse_Dic = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<String, Object>>(ResponseValue);  //ResponseValue holds the entire Json response string

它在最后一行抛出错误 反序列化对象路径时意外结束....

我同意 Amy 提供的评论。请尝试以下操作:

  • 移除最外面的大括号{}
  • 去掉"TerminalId"后面的逗号:“9”
  • 将 "WebCash" 个对象放在方括号 [] 周围:


"WebCash": [{
    "Id": 1021,
    "RedemptionCode": "sdfkjk",
    "PlayerCardId": "3802",
    "Amount": 8000,
    "Status": 1,
    "PurchaseTimeStamp": 1445020270,
    "RedeemTimeStamp": 1445021971,
    "RetailerId": "1781",
    "TerminalId": "9"
}, {
    "Id": 1160,
    "RedemptionCode": "9123LKBJFDAXEK8194",
    "PlayerCardId": "3802",
    "Amount": 10000,
    "Status": 3,
    "PurchaseTimeStamp": 1445020270,
    "RetailerId": "1781",
    "TerminalId": "9"

您的JSON无效。此外,Dictionary < String, Object > 可能会序列化为如下内容:

        "WebCash" : { 
            "Id" : 1021,
            "RedemptionCode" : "sdfkjk",
            "PlayerCardId" : "3802",
            "Amount" : 8000,
            "Status" : 1,
            "PurchaseTimeStamp" : 1445020270,
            "RedeemTimeStamp" : 1445021971,
            "RetailerId" : "1781",
            "TerminalId" : "9"
        "WebCash2" : { 
            "Id" : 1160,
            "RedemptionCode" : "9123LKBJFDAXEK8194",
            "PlayerCardId" : "3802",
            "Amount" : 10000,
            "Status" : 3,
            "PurchaseTimeStamp" : 1445020270,
            "RetailerId" : "1781",
            "TerminalId" : "9"