如何测试一个 React 组件是否包含另一个带有 Tape 和 Enzyme 的组件?

How to test if a React component contains another component with Tape and Enzyme?

假设我有以下 React 组件:

import React from 'react'
import AppBar from 'material-ui/lib/app-bar'

class NavBar extends React.Component {
  render () {
    return (
          title='My NavBar Title'

export default NavBar

我想设置一个测试以确保用户看到 material-ui AppBar when the NavBar is rendered, using Tape and Enzyme

import NavBar from './NavBar'
import React from 'react'
import test from 'tape'
// import { I don't know exactly what to import here. Maybe `shallow`? } from 'enzyme'

test('NavBar component test', (assert) => {
  test('I should see an AppBar', (assert) => {
    // How can I test for it?
    // Also, can I test only for the presence of `AppBar`, without
    // necessarily for the overriding of props? For example,
    // even if I actually have <AppBar title='My NavBar title' />,
    // can I test only for `AppBar`?





const u = require('react-addons-test-utils');
const hasAppBar = u.findAllInRenderedTree(NavBar, (component) => {
   return u.isCompositeComponentWithType(component, AppBar);

只需确保 AppBar 确实是您正在搜索的组件的显示名称。

您将返回一个与谓词匹配的组件数组,因此您可以检查长度是否 > 0。


test('I should see one AppBar', (assert) => {
  const wrapper = shallow(<NavBar />)
  assert.equal(wrapper.find('AppBar').length === 1, true)

shallow function from enzyme returns a wrapper which has the method findfind returns 具有 属性 length 的对象。如果我的组件中有两个 AppBarlength 将等于 2,因此我可以测试它以获得 === 1 来完成我的测试。