如何在我的页面上自动显示第一张 google 图片?

How do I automatically display the first google image on my page?

我有一个页面自动从 MySQL 数据库中检索两个随机条目,并要求用户在每次刷新页面时比较它们。如何将这两个字符串自动转换为第一个 google 图像结果?这是我目前所拥有的:

<?php //I retrieve the names and group names here//
$firstpersonaName = (string) $row["personaName"];
$firstpersonaGroupName = (string) $row["groupName"];
    $firstpersonaGroupNameForGoogle = preg_split('( )', $firstpersonaGroupName);
?> //then convert any group names containing spaces into arrays here//

<?php  //then here I build the query that displays a google image page//
    $newname = '';
    foreach ($firstpersonaGroupNameForGoogle as $firstpersonaPartofGroupName) {
        $newname = $firstpersonaPartofGroupName . '+';
    $newname = rtrim($newname, "+");
    echo "https://www.google.com/search?q=" . $firstpersonaName . "+" . $newname . '&tbm=isch'; 


那么如何将 link 变成第一张图片的 link 呢?或者真的是第一对夫妇中的任何一个。 (在这种情况下:http://cdn3.denofgeek.us/sites/denofgeekus/files/sunny_0.jpg



然后我只是在 div 我希望图片显示的地方添加了 PHP 代码:

    // Include the php dom parser    
    include_once 'simple_html_dom.php';
    //build the google images query
    $newname = '';
    foreach ($firstpersonaGroupNameForGoogle as $firstpersonaPartofGroupName) {
        $newname = $firstpersonaPartofGroupName . '+';
    $newname = rtrim($newname, "+");
    //echo "https://www.google.com/search?q=" . $firstpersonaName . "+" . $newname . '&tbm=isch'; 
    $newname = "https://www.google.com/search?q=" . $firstpersonaName . "+" . $newname . '&tbm=isch';

    //use parser on queried page
    $html = file_get_html($newname);
    //echo $html;

    //create an array for all pics on page
    $picarray = array();
    $picurl = '';

    // Find all images 
    foreach($html->find('img') as $element) {
       //echo $element->src . '<br>';
       $picurl = $element->src;
    //then pick two random ones
    $picurl = $picarray[array_rand($picarray)];
    echo "<img src=" . $picurl . ">";
    $picurl = $picarray[array_rand($picarray)];
    echo "<img src=" . $picurl . ">";


它们的分辨率非常小(大约 150 像素),但实际上非常适合我正在尝试做的事情。如果您想检索一张完全不同的蠕虫病毒的非缩略图图片。