Perl 禁用 Archive::Extract 错误消息

Perl disable Archive::Extract erro rmessages

Perl 我有下面几行

my $hu_unzip = Archive::Extract->new( archive => $dest_path.'\' );
my $ok1 = $hu_unzip->extract( to => $dest_path );
my $rse_unzip = Archive::Extract->new( archive => $dest_path.'\' );
my $ok2 = $rse_unzip->extract( to => $dest_path );

但是当我 运行 收到以下消息时,但仍然 unzip 正常发生。

format error: bad signature: 0x00000a00 at offset -1 in file E:\Folder\New\ Archive::Zip::_readSignature('IO::File=GLOB(0x23f9644)'

这里我不想打印这个 error。 那我该怎么办

$Archive::Extract::WARN 设置为 false。


This variable controls whether errors encountered internally by Archive::Extract should be carp'd or not. Set to false to silence warnings. Inspect the output of the error() method manually to see what went wrong.