ns-3 802.11e EDCA TXOP,特定 Mac 层

ns-3 802.11e EDCA TXOP, Specific Mac Layer

我是 ns-3 新手,我想用 802.11e EDCA mac 层模拟 TXOP。 我可以找到一些关于点对点的简单例子, 用 PointToPointHelperUdpEcho(Client/Server)Helper class 是。 我还可以得到一个事实,即有 CsmaHelper class 和 wifi/model/edca_txop.cc 文件。

但我找不到如何使用 802.11e mac 层进行模拟。
我不知道使用了哪个应用程序 class,或者使用了哪个助手 class。

所以如果你们有一些知识,我可以请你们告诉我吗? 如果很难,你能举一些简单的例子吗?然后我会尝试了解如何使用,class可以使用

如果这个问题很粗鲁,请告诉我一些 link 如何使用 802.11e edca。也请教我这个网站的规则和网络礼节,如果可以的话。

引用 NS-3 Documentation

对于 IEEE 802.11e

QoS-based EDCA and queueing extensions of 802.11e an attribute QosSupported that allows configuration of 802.11e/WMM-style QoS support The ns3::DcaTxop object is used high MACs that are not QoS-enabled, and for transmission of frames (e.g., of type Management) that the standard says should access the medium using the DCF. ns3::EdcaTxopN is is used by QoS-enabled high MACs and also performs 802.11n-style MSDU aggregation.


At the MAC layer, most of the main functions found in deployed Wi-Fi equipment for 802.11a/b/e/g are implemented, but there are scattered instances where some limitations in the models exist. Most notably, 802.11n/ac configurations are not supported by adaptive rate controls; only the so-called ConstantRateWifiManager can be used by those standards at this time. Support for 802.11n and ac is evolving. Some additional details are as follows:

  • 802.11g does not support 9 microseconds slot
  • 802.11e TXOP is not supported
  • BSSBasicRateSet for 802.11b has been assumed to be 1-2 Mbit/s
  • BSSBasicRateSet for 802.11a/g has been assumed to be 6-12-24 Mbit/s
  • cases where RTS/CTS and ACK are transmitted using HT formats are not supported