HDInsight - Hive 创建外部 table WASB
HDInsight - Hive Create external table WASB
我在创建外部 table 时遇到问题。我的存储服务名为:sXX01,我的默认容器是 jdXX,blob 名为 insurance.csv
drop table if exists Insurance;
create external table Insurance(age STRING, sex STRING, bmi STRING, children STRING, smoker STRING, region STRING, charges STRING)
row format delimited
fields terminated by ','
stored as textfile location 'wasb://jdXX@sXX01.blob.core.windows.net/insurance.csv’;
H110 Unable to submit statement. Error while compiling statement: FAILED: ParseException line 5:29 mismatched input 'wasb' expecting StringLiteral near 'location' in table location specification [ERROR_STATUS]
我得到同样的错误 - 无论实际的 blob 是否存在,同样的错误与 'hdfs://jdXX/insurance.csv' 规范
问题是 ' 字符。通过这个过程,我 cut/pasted 查询和编辑器放了一个花哨的(定向?)' -- 而不是通用字符
我在创建外部 table 时遇到问题。我的存储服务名为:sXX01,我的默认容器是 jdXX,blob 名为 insurance.csv 配置单元脚本是:
drop table if exists Insurance;
create external table Insurance(age STRING, sex STRING, bmi STRING, children STRING, smoker STRING, region STRING, charges STRING)
row format delimited
fields terminated by ','
stored as textfile location 'wasb://jdXX@sXX01.blob.core.windows.net/insurance.csv’;
H110 Unable to submit statement. Error while compiling statement: FAILED: ParseException line 5:29 mismatched input 'wasb' expecting StringLiteral near 'location' in table location specification [ERROR_STATUS]
我得到同样的错误 - 无论实际的 blob 是否存在,同样的错误与 'hdfs://jdXX/insurance.csv' 规范
问题是 ' 字符。通过这个过程,我 cut/pasted 查询和编辑器放了一个花哨的(定向?)' -- 而不是通用字符