Angular Jasmine 测试错误 - $injector 未定义

Angular Jasmine tests error - $injector is not defined

在项目中使用 Karma Im 回填测试(其他人编写了 angular 应用程序 - 我有 'pleasure')...

用 coffeescript 编写的项目。


'use strict'

describe 'module:file:controller', () ->
  $controller = null
  $scope = null
  $state = null
  $stateParams = null
  Page = null
  File = null

  beforeEach (module 'forge')

  beforeEach inject(($rootScope, _$controller_, _$state_, _$stateParams_, _Page_, _File_) ->
    $scope = $rootScope.$new()
    $state = _$state_
    $stateParams = _$stateParams_
    Page = _Page_
    File = _File_
    $controller = _$controller_

  describe 'init', () ->
    controller = null

    beforeEach () ->
      $state = {}
      $stateParams = {}
      controller = $controller('fileController', {$scope: $scope, $state: $state, $stateParams: $stateParams, Page: Page, File: File})

    it 'should set page title to File', () ->
      spyOn(Page, 'title')

      expect(Page.title).toHaveBeenCalledWith 'Files'

    it 'should do something with delete', () ->
      spyOn(Page, 'addAlert')




forge.controller 'fileController', ($scope, $state, $stateParams, Page, File) ->

  # Inject base controller
  $injector.invoke BaseController, this, { $scope: $scope, Factory: File }

  # Set page title
  Page.title 'Files'

  console.log $stateParams
  console.log $state

  # Delete
  $scope.delete = (id) ->

    Page.addAlert 'success', '[TEST] Deleting file...'

    console.log $stateParams
    console.log $state

  # Delegate actions
  switch $stateParams.action
    when 'delete' then $scope.delete $

我有一堆单元测试 运行ning 很好。该应用程序是使用 g运行t 构建的,所有代码都编译成 /dist/assets/js/app.js.


module.exports = (config) ->

    files: [

      'unit/**/**': ['coffee']
      '../module/**/test/unit/**/*': ['coffee']

    frameworks: ['jasmine']

    reporters: ['progress']

    browsers: ['Chrome', 'Firefox', 'Safari']

    logLevel: 'ERROR'

      onComplete: null
      isVerbose: false
      showColors: true
      includeStackTrace: false
      defaultTimeoutInterval: 30000

当我 运行 我收到的测试:

Chrome 48.0.2564 (Mac OS X 10.11.3) module:file:controller init should set page title to File FAILED
  ReferenceError: $injector is not defined
  at new <anonymous> (/Users/usr1/repos/proj/dist/assets/js/forge.js:75397:3)
  at Object.instantiate (/Users/usr1/repos/proj/dist/assets/js/forge.js:14449:14)
  at /Users/usr1/repos/proj/dist/assets/js/forge.js:19700:28
  at /Users/usr1/repos/proj/bower_components/angular-mocks/angular-mocks.js:2170:12
  at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/usr1/repos/proj/src/module/file/test/unit/controller/file-controller.unit.js:25:27)
  Expected spy title to have been called with [ 'Files' ] but it was never called.
  at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/usr1/repos/proj/src/module/file/test/unit/controller/file-controller.unit.js:35:33)
Chrome 48.0.2564 (Mac OS X 10.11.3) module:file:controller init should do something with delete FAILED
  ReferenceError: $injector is not defined
  at new <anonymous> (/Users/usr1/repos/proj/dist/assets/js/forge.js:75397:3)
  at Object.instantiate (/Users/usr1/repos/proj/dist/assets/js/forge.js:14449:14)
  at /Users/usr1/repos/proj/dist/assets/js/forge.js:19700:28
  at /Users/usr1/repos/proj/bower_components/angular-mocks/angular-mocks.js:2170:12
  at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/usr1/repos/proj/src/module/file/test/unit/controller/file-controller.unit.js:25:27)
TypeError: $scope.delete is not a function
  at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/usr1/repos/proj/src/module/file/test/unit/controller/file-controller.unit.js:39:23)
Chrome 48.0.2564 (Mac OS X 10.11.3): Executed 63 of 63 (2 FAILED) (1.155 secs / 1.134 secs)

检查了所有路径并且控制器存在于构建的 app.js 文件中。


我的应用程序被缩小了 - 这会阻止它工作。

angular injector docs.