如何使用 angular 模式表单触发验证?

How to trigger validations with angular schema form?

您好,我正在使用 angular schema form 并按照说明验证表单字段,但是当我提交时,如果某些字段无效,验证消息不会出现。


    vm.schema = {
  "type": "object",
  "title": "Beneficiario",
  "required": [
  "properties": {
    "beneficiaries": {
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
          "name": {
            "type": "number",
            "description": "Monto a transferir",
            "minimum": 1,
            "maximum": 500,
            "validationMessage": {
               101: "El valor de este campo debe ser de al menos {{schema.minimum}} Bs",
               103: "{{viewValue}} Bs es mayor que el máximo permitido para una transferencia: {{schema.maximum}} Bs",
               302: "Este campo es requerido"
          "spam": {
            "title": "Spam",
            "type": "boolean",
            "default": true
          "description": {
            "type": "string",
            "maxLength": 20,
            "validationMessage": {
              201: "La longitud máxima permitida es de {{schema.maxLength}} caracteres",
              302: "Este campo es requerido"
        "required": [


    vm.form = [
    "type": "help",
    "helpvalue": "<h4>Transferencias y pagos</h4><h5>Lista de elementos seleccionados</h5>"
    "key": "beneficiaries",
    "title": "Selección",
    "autocomplete": "off",
    "add": null,
    "style": {
      "add": "btn-success"
    "items": [
        "key": "beneficiaries[].name",
        "title": "Monto Bs",
        "feedback": false
        "key": "beneficiaries[].spam",
        "type": "checkbox",
        "title": "Agregar a pagos frecuentes",
        "condition": "model.beneficiaries[arrayIndex].name"
        "key": "beneficiaries[].description",
        "title": "Descripción",
        "feedback": false
    "startEmpty": true
    "type": "submit",
    "style": "btn-success btn-block",
    "title": "Agregar"

我用这个做了一个 plunker:https://plnkr.co/edit/ogaO8MBmNtxYBPHR67NC?p=preview


好吧,我自己回答。要触发表单验证,您需要使用 $broadcast 来触发它。


vm.submit = function(){
  // First we broadcast an event so all fields validate themselves

  // Then we check if the form is valid
  if (vm.form.$valid) {
    // ... do whatever you need to do with your data.

并添加了 ngSubmit 方法。 (ctrl.submit()) 仅此而已,验证出现:)

如果您需要实际操作,我做了一个 plunker:
