PHP 中下拉选择项的传值

Pass value of selected item of dropdown in PHP

我有一个 html 表单,并使用 php 从该表单中间的数据库中获取用户名,我想在用户单击按钮时提交 select 选项值。

文件 1 :

<link href="users_forms.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

<div id="rightcolumn">
    <form method="post" action="user_remqry.php">
        <br />
        <legend> Remove Users </legend>
            <br />

            $q=mysqli_query($con,  "SELECT username FROM users_allow");

            echo "<select name=uname_selected''  ><option value=0>Select a username</option>";
                echo "<option name='uname_remove' value=$row[username]>".$row[username]."</option>";
            echo "</select>";

            <br /> <br /> <br /> <input type="submit" value="Delete User" />

文件 2(user_remqry.php):

$uname = $_POST["uname_selected"];
echo 'I am going to remove =  '.$uname;

我只想传递 select 列表的 selected 项的值。


include 'connect.php'; //please add space
$q=mysqli_query($con,  "SELECT username FROM users_allow");

echo "<select name='uname_selected'>"; //note the position of single quote
echo "<option value='0'>Select a username</option>";
    echo "<option value='".$row['username']."'>".$row['username']."</option>"; 
} //don't have to put name attribute at the option. Put quotes around $row['username']. Note the single quote surrounding the username
echo "</select>";

如 Jerodev 所述,无需为选项输入名称。在接下来的页面中,只需调用 select 的名称即可。你的情况 $_POST['uname_selected']