@PostConstruct 中的 JMockit 模拟私有方法

JMockit mock private method in @PostConstruct


在我的 class 测试中有一个 @PostConstruct 注释方法调用另一个私有方法。

public void init() {
    longWork(); // private method

JMockit 的默认行为是在注入时执行 @Tested class 的 @PostConstruct 方法。

If a @Tested class has a method annotated with javax.annotations.PostConstruct, it should be executed right after injection.



JMockit 调用了 init() 方法,这是我不想要的。


at com.me.Worker.longWork(Worker.java:56)
at com.me.Worker.longWork.init(Worker.java:47)
at mockit.internal.util.MethodReflection.invoke(MethodReflection.java:96)



我尝试模拟 initlongWork 方法,如下所示。然而,这会导致 NullPointerException,因为 sut 尚未注入。

public void recordExpectationsForPostConstruct()
    new NonStrictExpectations(sut) {{ invoke(sut, "init"); }};

或许您可以将 longWork 方法委托给另一个 class 并模拟这个方法。编写测试时遇到困难通常是设计缺陷的标志

您可以尝试在不使用@Tested 的情况下手动初始化要测试的class。然后,通过 setter 方法(或使用 mockit.Deencapsulation.setField() 方法)设置模拟依赖项。


//Define your class under test without any annotation
private MyServiceImpl serviceToBeTested;

//Create mock dependencies here using @Mocked like below
@Mocked Dependency mockInstance;

public void setup() {
    //Initialize your class under test here (or you can do it while declaring it also). 
    serviceToBeTested = new MyServiceImpl();

    //Set dependencies via setter (or using mockit.Deencapsulation.setField() method)

    //Optionally add your expectations on mock instances which are common for all tests
    new Expectations() {{
        mockInstance.getName(); result = "Test Name";

public void testMyMethod(@Mocked AnotherDependency anotherMock) {
    //Add your expectations on mock instances specifics to this test method.
    new Expectations() {{
        mockInstance.getStatus(); result = "OK";
        anotherMock.longWork(); result = true;

    //Set dependencies via setter or using mockit.Deencapsulation.setField() method
    Deencapsulation.setField(serviceToBeTested, "myAnotherDep", anotherMock);

    //Invoke the desired method to be tested

    //Do the verifications & assertions
    new Verifications() {{

