App get Rejected: crashes on launch ,但在所有设备上对我来说也运行良好

App get Rejected: crashes on launch , but worked fine for me on all devices as well

我的应用程序仅适用于 iPhone。它在所有设备上都运行良好,但是当提交该应用程序时,它被苹果拒绝了,说......


We found your app crashed on launch so we were unable to review it.

Please revise your app and test it on a device to ensure it will launch without crashing, and that it runs as expected, before resubmitting.

这是崩溃报告 link 请 this is the crash report

crash report


Thank you for your resubmission. However, we were still unable to review your app, as it crashed on launch. We have attached detailed crash logs to help troubleshoot this issue.

Specifically, upon review we found the application will shortly crash after launch. 


on second time submission

on second time submission


我也尝试了 Bhavin step 来找到崩溃位置,但终端显示我就是那样


  1. Get the .ipa file that you submitted to the app store.
  2. Rename the extention .ipa with .zip , extract it. You'll get a Payload Folder which contains .app file.
  3. Create a folder with this .app file and crash log file.
  4. Now, open terminal application and go to the folder created in above step (using cd command).
  5. Run this magic line :

    atos -arch armv7 -o MEMORY_LOCATION_OF_CRASH

Where, MEMORY_LOCATION_OF_CRASH = location where your app crashed as per the report.


我找到了解决方案。我们可以直接将崩溃报告拖放到设备日志上。 然后它将崩溃报告转换为可读格式。


  1. 将您的设备连接到 mac。
  2. 打开Xcode
  3. 从菜单栏转到 window
  4. 像这样点击设备

  1. 现在,拖放您从 Apple 收到的崩溃报告。它将对其进行符号化并以可读的格式向您展示。如果文件扩展名是.txt,请将其更改为“.crash”。

如果您测试您的应用并且它工作正常但 Apple 一直拒绝它,那么您需要在发布模式而不是调试模式下测试它,如下所示:

编辑方案 > 运行 > 构建配置 > 发布
