nUnit 新手,出现错误... "is not accessible in this context because it is 'Public'"

New to nUnit, getting error ... "is not accessible in this context because it is 'Public'"

我编写了以下代码作为我在 nUnit 中的第一个测试。

Public Class Tests

      Private Class TranslationTest

          Private Sub LanguageTest()
            Dim stringToTest As String = "Tower Count"

            strLanguageText(stringToTest, LanguageIDs.English, 0)
            Assert.Equals("Tower Count")

          End Sub
      End Class
    End Class

Intellisense 表示 strLanguageText 方法和 LanguageIDs.Enlish 枚举都是 "not accessible in this context because it is 'Public'"。我可以理解某些东西是不可访问的,因为它的修饰符是私有的,但是为什么修饰符 Public 会阻止它被测试访问?

尽管错误显示 "Public",但当我查看正在测试的方法时,它的修饰符是 Friend。当我将我的测试分配到与被测试方法相同的名称空间时,它起作用了。

更新: 根据 O'Reilly 的 C# & VB.NET Conversion Pocket Reference,"Outer Classes at the IL level have only two possible scopes: private or public."

我的成熟猜测是,这就是错误报告为 'Public' 的原因。