编译器找不到 Nest 中的映射器装饰器
Mapper decorators in Nest not found by compiler
我找不到使用提到的装饰器 ElasticProperty 和 ElasticType 的方法 in the documentation。它们在库中无处可寻,并且在编译时崩溃。
Name = "elasticsearchprojects2",
DateDetection = true,
NumericDetection = true,
SearchAnalyzer = "standard",
IndexAnalyzer = "standard",
DynamicDateFormats = new[] { "dateOptionalTime", "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss Z||yyyy/MM/dd Z" }
public class ElasticSearchProject
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
[ElasticProperty(OmitNorms = true, Index = FieldIndexOption.not_analyzed)]
public string Country { get; set; }
根据我刚刚查看的内容,NEST API 似乎已通过 ElasticSearchType 和 ElasticsearchPropertyAttributeBase[ 更改了这些 attributes/decorators =14=]分别。
Nest 的当前文档已过时,但团队目前正在努力更新它。现在我们有 this article about Nest 2.0 breaking changes 来解释 API:
Renamed Types
- class AggregationDescriptor`1
class AggregationContainerDescriptor`1
class AliasRequest
class BulkAliasRequest
class AllFieldMapping
class AllField
class AllocateClusteRerouteCommand
class AllocateClusterRerouteCommand
class AnalysisSettings
class Analysis
class AndFilter
class AndQuery
class AverageAggregator
- class AverageAggregation
我找不到使用提到的装饰器 ElasticProperty 和 ElasticType 的方法 in the documentation。它们在库中无处可寻,并且在编译时崩溃。
Name = "elasticsearchprojects2",
DateDetection = true,
NumericDetection = true,
SearchAnalyzer = "standard",
IndexAnalyzer = "standard",
DynamicDateFormats = new[] { "dateOptionalTime", "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss Z||yyyy/MM/dd Z" }
public class ElasticSearchProject
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
[ElasticProperty(OmitNorms = true, Index = FieldIndexOption.not_analyzed)]
public string Country { get; set; }
根据我刚刚查看的内容,NEST API 似乎已通过 ElasticSearchType 和 ElasticsearchPropertyAttributeBase[ 更改了这些 attributes/decorators =14=]分别。 请验证
Nest 的当前文档已过时,但团队目前正在努力更新它。现在我们有 this article about Nest 2.0 breaking changes 来解释 API:
中的变化Renamed Types
- class AggregationDescriptor`1
class AggregationContainerDescriptor`1
class AliasRequest
class BulkAliasRequest
class AllFieldMapping
class AllField
class AllocateClusteRerouteCommand
class AllocateClusterRerouteCommand
class AnalysisSettings
class Analysis
class AndFilter
class AndQuery
class AverageAggregator
- class AverageAggregation