
optimize an inner join between two multi-million row tables

我是 Postgres 的新手,对解释的工作原理还比较陌生。我在下面有一个典型的查询,我只是替换了日期:

select account_id, 
   sum(market_value) market_value
from market_value_history mvh
inner join holding_cust hc on hc.id = mvh.owning_object_id
hc.account_id = 24766
and market_value_date = '2015-07-02'
and mvh.created_by = 'HoldingLoad'
group by account_id, security_id, market_value_date
order by security_id, market_value_date;

附上explain截图 holding_cust table 的计数是 200 万行,market_value_history table 的计数是 1.63 亿行

下面是 table 定义和索引 market_value_history 和 holding_cust:


CREATE TABLE public.market_value_history
  id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('market_value_id_seq'::regclass),
  market_value numeric(18,6) NOT NULL,
  market_value_date date,
  holding_type character varying(25) NOT NULL,
  owning_object_type character varying(25) NOT NULL,
  owning_object_id integer NOT NULL,
  created_by character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  created_dt timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  last_modified_dt timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT market_value_history_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
ALTER TABLE public.market_value_history
  OWNER TO postgres;

-- Index: public.ix_market_value_history_id

-- DROP INDEX public.ix_market_value_history_id;

CREATE INDEX ix_market_value_history_id
  ON public.market_value_history
  USING btree
  (owning_object_type COLLATE pg_catalog."default", owning_object_id);

-- Index: public.ix_market_value_history_object_type_date

-- DROP INDEX public.ix_market_value_history_object_type_date;

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ix_market_value_history_object_type_date
  ON public.market_value_history
  USING btree
  (owning_object_type COLLATE pg_catalog."default", owning_object_id, holding_type COLLATE pg_catalog."default", market_value_date);

CREATE TABLE public.holding_cust
  id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('holding_cust_id_seq'::regclass),
  account_id integer NOT NULL,
  security_id integer NOT NULL,
  subaccount_type integer,
  trade_date date,
  purchase_date date,
  quantity numeric(18,6),
  net_cost numeric(18,2),
  adjusted_net_cost numeric(18,2),
  open_date date,
  close_date date,
  created_by character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  created_dt timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  last_modified_dt timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT holding_cust_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
ALTER TABLE public.holding_cust
  OWNER TO postgres;

-- Index: public.ix_holding_cust_account_id

-- DROP INDEX public.ix_holding_cust_account_id;

CREATE INDEX ix_holding_cust_account_id
  ON public.holding_cust
  USING btree

-- Index: public.ix_holding_cust_acctid_secid_asofdt

-- DROP INDEX public.ix_holding_cust_acctid_secid_asofdt;

CREATE INDEX ix_holding_cust_acctid_secid_asofdt
  ON public.holding_cust
  USING btree
  (account_id, security_id, trade_date DESC);

-- Index: public.ix_holding_cust_security_id

-- DROP INDEX public.ix_holding_cust_security_id;

CREATE INDEX ix_holding_cust_security_id
  ON public.holding_cust
  USING btree

-- Index: public.ix_holding_cust_trade_date

-- DROP INDEX public.ix_holding_cust_trade_date;

CREATE INDEX ix_holding_cust_trade_date
  ON public.holding_cust
  USING btree


  1. 正如 Dmitry 指出的那样,您应该考虑在 market_value_date 字段上创建索引。有可能 post 您有一个完全不同的查询计划,这可能会或可能不会带来其他瓶颈,但它肯定会消除这个 seq-Scan.
  2. 次要(因为我怀疑它是否会影响性能),但其次,如果您没有通过设计强制执行字段长度,您可能希望将 createdby 字段更改为 TEXT。从查询中可以看出,它试图将所有 createdby 字段转换为此查询的 TEXT