Nuxeo 集群 - 负载均衡器 - 会话复制失败

Nuxeo Cluster - Load Balancer - Session replication failed

我已将 apache2.4 http 负载均衡器配置为:

ProxyPass /nuxeo balancer://sticky-balancer   stickysession=JSESSIONID|jsessionid nofailover=On

<Proxy balancer://sticky-balancer >
BalancerMember xxxxxxx.40:8080/nuxeo route=nxworker1
BalancerMember xxxxxxx.41:8080/nuxeo route=nxworker2
</Proxy >
ProxyPreserveHost On

在 nuxeo 实例上,我已按照 nuxeo 文档 40 上的建议完成配置:
nuxeo.server.jvmRoute=nxworker1 和 nuxeo.server.jvmRoute=nxworker2 在 41

当其中一个实例因 ex 40 而宕机时,在用户连接并处理它的过程中,它需要再次登录,因为会话 似乎没有为节点 41





The Nuxeo Platform requires all calls to be authenticated. Depending on your architecture, authentication can be stateless (ex: Basic Auth) or stateful (ex: Form + Cookie). Either way, you probably don't want to replay authentication during all calls.

That's why having a session based authentication + session affinity can make sense: you don't have to re-authenticate each time you call the server.

If the session affinity can not be restored, for example because the target server has been shutdown:

  • stateless authentication will be automatically replayed (ex: Basic Auth)
  • for stateful authentication:
    • if you have a SSO this will be transparent
    • if you don't have a SSO, user will have to authenticate again.