使用 Ipython ipywidget 创建变量?

Using Ipython ipywidget to create a variable?

这看起来很简单,但我找不到一个例子或自己解决这个问题。如何使用 ipywidget 小部件创建或 return 一个 python variable/object,例如列表或字符串,可以在后续单元格中使用?

http://blog.dominodatalab.com/interactive-dashboards-in-jupyter/ 上对 ipywidgets 有很好的介绍,它回答了这个问题。


from ipywidgets import widgets  

# Create text widget for output
output_text = widgets.Text()

# Create text widget for input
input_text = widgets.Text()

# Define function to bind value of the input to the output variable 
def bind_input_to_output(sender):
    output_text.value = input_text.value

# Tell the text input widget to call bind_input_to_output() on submit

# Display input text box widget for input

# Display output text box widget (will populate when value submitted in input)

# Display text value of string in output_text variable

# Define new string variable with value of output_text, do something to it
uppercase_string = output_text.value.upper()
print uppercase_string

然后您可以在整个笔记本中使用 uppercase_string 或 output_text.value 字符串。


from ipywidgets import widgets, interact

# Create text widget for output
output_slider_variable = widgets.Text()

# Define function to bind value of the input to the output variable 
def f(x):
    output_slider_variable.value = str(x)

# Create input slider with default value = 10    
interact(f, x=10)

# Display output variable in text box

# Create and output new int variable with value of slider
new_variable = int(output_slider_variable.value)
print new_variable

# Do something with new variable, e.g. cube
new_variable_cubed = pow(new_variable, 3)
print new_variable_cubed

另一个可能更简单的解决方案是使用 interactive。它的行为很像 interact,但允许您在仅创建一个小部件的同时访问后面单元格中的返回值。


from ipywidgets import interactive
from IPython.display import display

# Define any function
def f(a, b):
    return a + b

# Create sliders using interactive
my_result = interactive(f, a=(1,5), b=(6,10))

# You can also view this in a notebook without using display.


my_result.result  # current value of returned object (in this case a+b)
my_result.children[0].value # current value of a
my_result.children[1].value # current value of b