为什么我不能 return 来自 lambda 的初始化列表

Why I can not return initializer list from lambda


auto foo = [] () {
    return {1, 2};     

但是,这是有效的,因为 initializer_list 仅用于初始化 vector 而不是 return 本身:

auto foo = [] () -> std::vector<int> {
    return {1, 2};     

为什么我不能returninitializer_list?它可能有用。例如,可用于初始化 vectorlist 或...的 lambda 具有某些默认值。

std::initializer_list 无法通过模板参数推导出来,这意味着您必须明确告诉 lambda 它是什么:

#include <initializer_list>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

int main()
    auto foo = []() -> std::initializer_list<int> { return {1, 2}; };
    std::vector<int> bar{foo()};
    for (int x : bar) { std::cout << x << "  "; };

Demo. Here's the rationale behind this from the initializer list proposal:

Can an initializer list be used as a template argument? Consider:

template<class T> void f(const T&);
f({ }); // error
f({1,2.0}); // error
f(X{1,2.0}); // ok: T is X

There is obviously no problem with the last call (provided X{1,2.0} itself is valid)
because the template argument is an X. Since we are not introducing arbitrary lists of
types (product types), we cannot deduce T to be {int,double} for f({1,2.0}), so that call is
an error. Plain {} does not have a type, so f({}) is also an error.

This leaves the homogeneous lists. Should f({1}) and f({1,2,3,4,5,6}) be accepted? If so,
with what meaning? If so, the answer must be that the deduced type, T, is
initializer_list. Unless someone comes up with at least one good use of this simple
feature (a homogeneous list of elements of type E is deduced to be an
initializer_list), we won’t propose it and all the examples will be errors: No template
argument can be deduced from an (unqualified) initializer list. One reason to be cautious
here is that we can imagine someone getting confused about the possible interpretations
of single-element lists. For example, could f({1}) invoke f<int>(1)? No, that would be
quite inconsistent.

您可以从函数中 return 一个 initializer_list

return std::initializer_list<int>{1, 2};

auto ret = {1, 2};
return ret;

原因是,auto 变量声明使用的规则不同于 auto return 类型推导。第一个对这种情况有特殊规则,第二个使用普通模板类型推导。

这在 Scott Meyers Effective Modern C++,第 2 项中进行了详细讨论。他还就此主题发表了 video and slides

Lambda return 类型推导使用 auto 规则,通常可以很好地推导 std::initializer_list。但是,语言设计者禁止从 return 语句 ([dcl.spec.auto]/7):


If the deduction is for a return statement and the initializer is a braced-init-list ([dcl.init.list]), the program is ill-formed.

原因是 std::initializer_list 具有引用语义 ([dcl.init.list]/6)。
[]() -> std::initializer_list<int> { return {1, 2}; }
[]() -> const int & { return 1; } 一样糟糕。 initializer_list 对象的后备数组的生命周期在 lambda returns 时结束,你会留下一个(或两个)悬挂指针。


#include <vector>

struct Noisy {
    Noisy()  { __builtin_printf("%s\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
    Noisy(const Noisy&) { __builtin_printf("%s\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
    ~Noisy() { __builtin_printf("%s\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }

int main()
    auto foo = []() -> std::initializer_list<Noisy> { return {Noisy{}, Noisy{}}; };
    std::vector<Noisy> bar{foo()};


Noisy::Noisy(const Noisy&)
Noisy::Noisy(const Noisy&)

请注意在到目前为止创建的所有 Noisy 对象都已被销毁后如何调用复制构造函数。