python 用于在基因组中插入 "N" 的代码

python code for inserting "N" in genome

我的代码有问题我正在尝试读取一个 fasta 文件,即 "chr1.fa",然后我有一个看起来像这样的突变文件

chr1    822979  822980  CLL6.08_1_snv   88.2    +
chr1    1052781 1052782 CLL6.08_2_snv   388.9   +
chr1    1216196 1216197 CLL6.08_3_snv   625 +
chr1    5053847 5053848 CLL6.08_4_snv   722.2   +
chr1    5735093 5735094 CLL6.08_5_snv   138.9   +

这是一个制表符分隔的文件,chr1 作为第一列,+ 作为最后一列。我想在 chr1.fa 文件中插入一个 N,使用第二个 column.My 代码中的位置,如下所示

     # Filename:
      import sys , os
      import numpy as np
      import re

    #declaring the variables
     lst = ''
     chr_name = ''
     first_cord = ''
     second_cord = ''
     lstFirstCord = []
     sequence = ''
     human_genome = ''
     seqList = ''

    # Method to read the Genome file (file contains data for only one chromosome)
     def ReadgenomeCharacter():
     header = ' '
     seq = ' '
      human_genome = raw_input("Enter UCSC fasta file of human genome:")
      human_seq = open(human_genome, 'rw+')
      line = human_seq.readline()
    print 'File cannot be opened, wrong format you forgot something:', human_genome
 while line:
    line = line.rstrip('\n')   
    if '>' in line:           
        header = line
        seq = seq + line
    line = human_seq.readline()
print header
print "Length of the chromosome is:",len(seq)
print "No. of N in the chromosome are:", seq.count("N")
return seq

  #Method to replace the characters in sequence string
    def ReplaceSequence():
    seqList = list(sequence)        
    for index, item in enumerate(lstFirstCord):
      if seqList[index] != "N":
        seqList[index] = "N"
        newSequence = ''.join(seqList) 
    return newSequence

   #Method to write to genome file
   def WriteToGenomeFile(newSequence):
       with open("chr1.fa", 'rw+') as f:
        old_human_seq =                           
        print "Data modified in the genome file"
        print "Length of the new chromosome is:",len(newSequence)
        print "No. of N in the new chromosome are:", newSequence.count("N")
    print 'File cannot be opened, wrong format you forgot something:', human_genome

   sequence = ReadgenomeCharacter()

   print "Here is my mutaiton file data"

   data = np.genfromtxt("CLL608.txt",delimiter ="\t", dtype=None,skip_header=0)        #Reading the mutation file CLL608.txt

    #Storing the mutation file data in a dictionary
     subarray = ({'Chr1' : data[data[:,0] == 'chr1'],'Chr2': data[data[:,0] == 'chr2'],'Chr3': data[data[:,0] == 'chr3'],
    'Chr4': data[data[:,0] == 'chr4'], 'Chr5': data[data[:,0] == 'chr5'],'Chr6': data[data[:,0] == 'chr6'],
    'Chr7': data[data[:,0] == 'chr7'], 'Chr8': data[data[:,0] == 'chr8'],'Chr9': data[data[:,0] == 'chr9'],
    'Chr10': data[data[:,0] == 'chr10'] , 'Chr11': data[data[:,0] == 'chr11'],'Chr12': data[data[:,0] == 'chr12'],
    'Chr13': data[data[:,0] == 'chr13'], 'Chr14': data[data[:,0] == 'chr14'],'Chr15': data[data[:,0] == 'chr15'],
    'Chr16': data[data[:,0] == 'chr16'],'Chr17': data[data[:,0] == 'chr17'],'Chr18': data[data[:,0] == 'chr18'],
    'Chr19': data[data[:,0] == 'chr19'], 'Chr20': data[data[:,0] == 'chr20'],'Chr21': data[data[:,0] == 'chr21'],
     'Chr22': data[data[:,0] == 'chr22'], 'ChrX': data[data[:,0] == 'chrX']})

    #For each element in the dictionary, fetch the first cord and pass this value to the method to replace the character on first chord with N in the genome file
    for the_key, the_value in subarray.iteritems():
    cnt = len(the_value)
    for lst in the_value:
    chr_name = lst[0]
    first_cord = int(lst[1])
    second_cord = int(lst[2])

   #Call the method to replace the sequence
   newSeq = ReplaceSequence()
   print "length :", len(newSeq)
   #Call the method to write new data to genome file


Enter UCSC fasta file of human genome:chr1.fa
Length of the chromosome is: 249250622
No. of N in the chromosome are: 23970000
Here is my mutaiton file data
length : 249250622
File cannot be opened, wrong format you forgot something: 


rsync -avzP 
rsync:// .

不知何故,我无法在序列中插入 N,也无法写入新序列。 如果对改进代码有任何有价值的建议,我将很高兴:)

为了让您的生活更轻松一些,您可能需要考虑使用 Biopython 来读取您的 fasta 并进行转换。



from Bio import SeqIO
handle = open("example.fasta", "rU")
output_handle = open("output.fasta", "w")
for record in SeqIO.parse(handle, "fasta"):
     print record.seq

您似乎在定位文件目录和打开文件时遇到了一些问题。话虽这么说,一旦你有了文件数据,你的工作就相对容易了。您想要读取 fasta 文件,删除 header 并将其转换为列表,然后只需将变异文件中的索引替换为 "N" 并重新创建 fasta。以下是步骤:

from collections import defaultdict
chromosome = input("what chromosome are you editing? ")

# have all your file paths in order
mutations = path/to/mutations/file
fasta = path/to/fasta/file
newfile = path/to/new/file

# (1) get the mutations out of the mutations file into a list for each chrom
mutdict = defaultdict(list)
with open(mutations, "r") as f1:
    muts = f1.readlines()  # read all lines into list
    muts = [(x[0], int(x[1])) for x in muts]  # get the two columns you want

# (2) convert these to a dict
for (ch, pos) in muts:

# (3) get your fasta and convert it to a list
with open(fasta, "r") as f2:
    header = f2.readline()  # the first line is a header like ">chr1"
    bases  ="\n", "")  # read all the bases and remove "\n"
bases = list(bases)  # turn the string into a list

# (4) now you loop through your mutations and change them to N in the fasta list
for mut in mutdict[chromosome]:
    bases[mut] = "N"

# (5) re-write the Fasta:
new_fasta = header
new_fasta = "\n".join("".join(bases[i:i + 50]) for i in xrange(len(bases)))
with open(newfile, "w") as out: