使用 SVG 和 Javascript 绘制 windBarbs
Draw windBarbs with SVG and Javascript
我是 svg newbie.I 需要用 jquery 在 svg 中绘制风箭头。
我找到了一些用 d3 here 绘制风箭的代码。
我将其转换为 jquery 兼容形式。 Here is jsfiddle example.
这里是 jquery 代码:
$(function () {
var WindBarbArrowHandler = {
WindArrow: function (speed, direction, container, arrowWidth) {
'use strict';
var index = 0,
this.speed = speed;
this.direction = direction;
this.trigDirection = direction + 90;
this.scale = arrowWidth / 8;
this.ten = 0;
this.five = 0;
this.fifty = 0;
// Create the canvas
.attr({ height: 2 * arrowWidth, width: 2 * arrowWidth })
$("svg", container).append('<defs></defs>');
$("defs", container).append($('<clipPath></clipPath>').attr('id', 'clip'));
$("clipPath", container).append($('<rect></rect>')
.attr({ height: 2 * arrowWidth, width: 2 * arrowWidth }));
// Draw the widget area
$("svg", container).append($('<g></g>').attr('class', 'wind-arrow'));
this.widget = $("svg", container);
if (this.speed > 0) {
// Prepare the path
this.path = "";
if (this.speed <= 7) {
// Draw a single line
index = 1;
} else {
// Find the number of lines in function of the speed
this.five = Math.floor(this.speed / 5);
if (this.speed % 5 >= 3) {
this.five += 1;
// Add triangles (5 * 10)
this.fifty = Math.floor(this.five / 10);
this.five -= this.fifty * 10;
// Add tenLines (5 * 2)
this.ten = Math.floor(this.five / 2);
this.five -= this.ten * 2;
// Draw first the triangles
for (i = 0; i < this.fifty; i++) {
this.addFifty(index + 2 * i);
if (this.fifty > 0) {
index += 2 * (this.fifty - 0.5);
// Draw the long segments
for (i = 0; i < this.ten; i++) {
this.addTen(index + i);
index += this.ten;
// Draw the short segments
for (i = 0; i < this.five; i++) {
this.addFive(index + i);
this.path += "Z";
// Add to the widget
$("g", this.widget).append($('<path></path>').attr({
'd': this.path,
'vector-effect': 'non-scaling-stroke',
'transform': 'translate(' + arrowWidth + ', ' + arrowWidth + ') scale(' + this.scale + ') rotate(' + this.trigDirection + ' ' + 0 + ' ' + 0 + ') translate(-8, -2)',
'class': 'wind-arrow'
shortBar: function () {
// Draw an horizontal short bar.
'use strict';
this.path += "M1 2 L8 2 ";
longBar: function () {
// Draw an horizontal long bar.
'use strict';
this.path += "M0 2 L8 2 ";
addTen: function (index) {
// Draw an oblique long segment corresponding to 10 kn.
'use strict';
this.path += "M" + index + " 0 L" + (index + 1) + " 2 ";
addFive: function (index) {
// Draw an oblique short segment corresponding to 10 kn.
'use strict';
this.path += "M" + (index + 0.5) + " 1 L" + (index + 1) + " 2 ";
addFifty: function (index) {
// Draw a triangle corresponding to 50 kn.
'use strict';
this.path += "M" + index + " 0 L" + (index + 1) + " 2 L" + index + " 2 L" + index + " 0 ";
WindBarbArrowHandler.WindArrow(30,45, $("#windBarbArrow"), 40);
和 html 代码如下所示:
<div id="windBarbArrow"></div>
归根结底就是代码中动态创建 SVG 元素的任何位置:
$(document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'g'))
我是 svg newbie.I 需要用 jquery 在 svg 中绘制风箭头。 我找到了一些用 d3 here 绘制风箭的代码。 我将其转换为 jquery 兼容形式。 Here is jsfiddle example. 但它不起作用。有人可以帮忙吗?
这里是 jquery 代码:
$(function () {
var WindBarbArrowHandler = {
WindArrow: function (speed, direction, container, arrowWidth) {
'use strict';
var index = 0,
this.speed = speed;
this.direction = direction;
this.trigDirection = direction + 90;
this.scale = arrowWidth / 8;
this.ten = 0;
this.five = 0;
this.fifty = 0;
// Create the canvas
.attr({ height: 2 * arrowWidth, width: 2 * arrowWidth })
$("svg", container).append('<defs></defs>');
$("defs", container).append($('<clipPath></clipPath>').attr('id', 'clip'));
$("clipPath", container).append($('<rect></rect>')
.attr({ height: 2 * arrowWidth, width: 2 * arrowWidth }));
// Draw the widget area
$("svg", container).append($('<g></g>').attr('class', 'wind-arrow'));
this.widget = $("svg", container);
if (this.speed > 0) {
// Prepare the path
this.path = "";
if (this.speed <= 7) {
// Draw a single line
index = 1;
} else {
// Find the number of lines in function of the speed
this.five = Math.floor(this.speed / 5);
if (this.speed % 5 >= 3) {
this.five += 1;
// Add triangles (5 * 10)
this.fifty = Math.floor(this.five / 10);
this.five -= this.fifty * 10;
// Add tenLines (5 * 2)
this.ten = Math.floor(this.five / 2);
this.five -= this.ten * 2;
// Draw first the triangles
for (i = 0; i < this.fifty; i++) {
this.addFifty(index + 2 * i);
if (this.fifty > 0) {
index += 2 * (this.fifty - 0.5);
// Draw the long segments
for (i = 0; i < this.ten; i++) {
this.addTen(index + i);
index += this.ten;
// Draw the short segments
for (i = 0; i < this.five; i++) {
this.addFive(index + i);
this.path += "Z";
// Add to the widget
$("g", this.widget).append($('<path></path>').attr({
'd': this.path,
'vector-effect': 'non-scaling-stroke',
'transform': 'translate(' + arrowWidth + ', ' + arrowWidth + ') scale(' + this.scale + ') rotate(' + this.trigDirection + ' ' + 0 + ' ' + 0 + ') translate(-8, -2)',
'class': 'wind-arrow'
shortBar: function () {
// Draw an horizontal short bar.
'use strict';
this.path += "M1 2 L8 2 ";
longBar: function () {
// Draw an horizontal long bar.
'use strict';
this.path += "M0 2 L8 2 ";
addTen: function (index) {
// Draw an oblique long segment corresponding to 10 kn.
'use strict';
this.path += "M" + index + " 0 L" + (index + 1) + " 2 ";
addFive: function (index) {
// Draw an oblique short segment corresponding to 10 kn.
'use strict';
this.path += "M" + (index + 0.5) + " 1 L" + (index + 1) + " 2 ";
addFifty: function (index) {
// Draw a triangle corresponding to 50 kn.
'use strict';
this.path += "M" + index + " 0 L" + (index + 1) + " 2 L" + index + " 2 L" + index + " 0 ";
WindBarbArrowHandler.WindArrow(30,45, $("#windBarbArrow"), 40);
和 html 代码如下所示:
<div id="windBarbArrow"></div>
归根结底就是代码中动态创建 SVG 元素的任何位置:
$(document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'g'))