
Is it 'safe' to permanently trust the Fiddler root certificate?

我正在寻找使用 Fiddler 检查 WFC 客户端发送和接收的 HTTP 流量。为此,我已将 Fiddler 根证书添加到 Windows 证书存储区。

我的问题:将此证书留在 Windows 存储中以备我可能需要再次测试时使用是否有任何风险?攻击者能否利用它存在的事实?我应该在完成测试后将其删除吗?


它的全部目的是为了调试方便而破坏 SSL 的安全性。

它的名字中甚至有 "DO_NOT_TRUST",这是有充分理由的。


话虽如此,但为了更加安全,我已经将证书安装在一个单独的 Firefox 配置文件中,专门用于 Fiddler,这样在进行一般网上冲浪时我的系统中就没有证书了。

我在不止一个客户那里看到的企业使用说明包括使用 Fiddler 后的证书删除步骤。所以答案肯定是 "Yes, do remove the certificate after use."


What’s the Risk?

Many security folks are worried that, if a user configures Windows to trust Fiddler’s root certificate, that user could have their traffic intercepted and decrypted by any other Fiddler user. They assume that Fiddler is sharing the same root certificate across all installations.

Fear not! Every Fiddler root certificate is uniquely generated, per user, per machine. No two Fiddler installations have the same root certificate. The only way for a Fiddler user to be “spoofed” by a bad guy is if that bad guy already is running code inside the user’s account (which means you’d already be pwned anyway).