证明下面的代码在 Θ(nlogn) 时间内运行

Show that the code below runs in Θ(nlogn) time


We have n electric light bulbs, with labels from 1 to n. The light bulbs are all turned OFF initially. Each light bulb has a switch, so that flipping the switch will change its status from ON to OFF, or from OFF to ON. At the i-th round, for i=1,2,....,n we will flip the switches of those light bulbs whose labels are a multiple of i, and we are interested to know which light bulbs will be ON after the n-th round.

We can compute the final status of each light bulb using the following code:

Intialize A[1...n] so that each entry is OFF;
for(round i=1,2,...,n) {
  for (position j=i,2i,3i,...){
    if(j<=n) Flip A[j];
    else break;
  1. Show that the obove code runs in O(n^2) time

  2. Show that the above code runs in Θ(nlogn) time.

  3. Design a faster algotithm that can compute the final status in O(n) time.

对于从 1n 的每个 i,内循环在 Θ(n / i) 时间内运行。因此整个 运行 时间是 Θ(n / 1 + n / 2 + ... + n / n).

现在只剩下利用众所周知的事实1 / 1 + 1 / 2 + ... + 1 / n = Θ(log(n))了。您的问题的第 1 部分和第 2 部分到此结束。

要获得更快的算法,请尝试对一些小 n(例如 n = 100)进行实验。最后点亮的灯泡是什么?你能从结果中猜到什么?最后,你能证明你的猜测吗?