Winsock 的 connect() 函数超时

Timeout in connect() function from Winsock

有什么方法可以减少从 Winsock 调用 connect() 函数时的超时时间? 我觉得快30秒了,我想放5秒

最简单的方法是在连接时使用非阻塞模式的套接字,并使用select()超时5秒来检查套接字是否可写。 select() 退出后,连接建立或不建立。如果没有,则认为连接超时,并根据需要进行错误处理。

您还可以调用 ConnectEx() 函数并将其传递给带有预创建事件的 OVERLAPPED.hEvent 结构,为此您可以使用 WaitForSingleObject() 等待任意短的时间。

ConnectEx() 仅适用于 WindowsXP 及更高版本...

//The HANDLE Socket MUST BE pre-bound with Bind() before calling this function
int ConnectWithTimout(HANDLE Socket, UINT remIP, WORD remPort, UINT milliseconds)
    int iRes, Result;
    UINT OptVal, Flags;
    OVERLAPPED Overlapped;
    sockaddr_in socket_info;


    ZeroMemory(&socket_info, sizeof(socket_info));
    ZeroMemory(&Overlapped, sizeof(Overlapped));

    socket_info.sin_addr.S_addr = htonl(remIP);
    socket_info.sin_port = htons(remPort);
    socket_info.sin_family = AF_INET;

    Overlapped.hEvent = WSACreateEvent(); 
    if ( ConnectEx(Socket, &socket_info, sizeof(socket_info), NULL, 0, NULL, &Overlapped) )
        printf("WOW! Connection succeeded immediately\n");
        iRes = WSAGetLastError();
        if (iRes == ERROR_IO_PENDING)
            iRes = WaitForSingleObject(Overlapped.hEvent, milliseconds);  //Wait for x milliseconds to connect
            if (iRes == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
                if (!WSAGetOverlappedResult(socket, &Overlapped, &OptVal, FALSE, Flags))
                    iRes = WSAGetLastError();
                    if (iRes == WSAEADDRINUSE)
                        DoError("WSAGetOverlappedResult() reported that the requested local address is already in use or in a TIME_WAIT state")
                        DoError("WSAGetOverlappedResult() failed with error: ", iRes);
                    OptVal = 1;
                    iRes = setsockopt(Socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_UPDATE_CONNECT_CONTEXT, PCHAR(&OptVal), sizeof(OptVal));
                    if (iRes == SOCKET_ERROR)
                        DoError("setsockopt(SO_UPDATE_CONNECT_CONTEXT) failed with error: ", WSAGetLastError() );

                    printf("Connected to %s : %s\n", inet_ntoa(socket_info.sin_addr), itoa(ntohs(socket_info.sin_port)));
                if (iRes == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
                    DoWarning("ConnectEx() TIMED OUT - ", iRes);
                    Result= ERROR_TIMEOUT;
                    DoError("ConnectEx() failed with error: ", iRes)
        else if (iRes ==  WSAECONNREFUSED)  //After this error, it is OK to try to connect again on this docket.
            DoWarning("ConnectEx() failed with CONNECTION REFUSED: ", 0 )
        else if (iRes =  WSAENETUNREACH)    //After this error, it is OK to try to connect again on this docket.
            DoWarning("ConnectEx() failed with NETWORK UNREACHABLE: ", 0 )
        else if (iRes =  WSAETIMEDOUT)  //After this error, it is OK to try to connect again on this docket.
            DoWarning("ConnectEx() TIMED OUT Immediately:", 0 );
            Result= ERROR_TIMEOUT;
            DoError("ConnectEx() failed with unexpected error: ", iRes )


    return Result;