
Enchant dictionary across different platforms

附魔库(附魔 1.6.6)的不同结果

在 MAC OSX 10.11.12 (El Capitan):

>>> import enchant
>>> d = enchant.Dict("en_US")
>>> d.suggest("prfomnc")
['performance', 'prominence', 'preform', 'perform']

在 Linux Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 中:

>>> import enchant
>>> d = enchant.Dict("en_US")
>>> d.suggest("prfomnc")
['princedom', 'preferment', 'preform']

对于 "suggest" 功能,为什么我在 NLTK 中得到不同的结果和其他替代方案有什么想法吗?


>>> enchant.list_dicts()
[('de_DE', <Enchant: Myspell Provider>), ('en_AU', <Enchant: Myspell Provider>), ('en_GB', <Enchant: Myspell Provider>), ('en_US', <Enchant: Myspell Provider>), ('fr_FR', <Enchant: Myspell Provider>)]


>>> enchant.list_dicts()
[('en', <Enchant: Aspell Provider>), ('en_CA', <Enchant: Aspell Provider>), ('en_GB', <Enchant: Aspell Provider>), ('en_US', <Enchant: Aspell Provider>), ('en_ZA', <Enchant: Myspell Provider>), ('en_AU', <Enchant: Myspell Provider>)]

在我的 Ubuntu 中尝试过:

>>> b = enchant.Broker()
>>> b.set_ordering("en_US","myspell,aspell")
>>> b.set_ordering("*","aspell,myspell")
>>> b.request_dict("en_US").provider
<Enchant: Myspell Provider>
>>> b.request_dict("en_GB").provider
<Enchant: Aspell Provider>
>>> d.suggest("prfomnc")
['princedom', 'preferment', 'preform']


enchant 库不是拼写校正库。相反,它是一个聚合器,搜索与各种受支持系统的接口。

来自the documentation:

Enchant is capable of having multiple backends loaded at once. Currently, Enchant has 8 backends:

Aspell/Pspell (intends to replace Ispell)
Ispell (old as sin, could be interpreted as a defacto standard)
MySpell/Hunspell (an OOo project, also used by Mozilla)
Uspell (primarily Yiddish, Hebrew, and Eastern European languages - hosted in AbiWord's CVS under the module "uspell")
Hspell (Hebrew)
Zemberek (Turkish)
Voikko (Finnish)
AppleSpell (Mac OSX)


我怀疑,无需花费任何精力来确认,您会得到不同的结果,因为您的 MacOS 系统和 Linux 系统安装了不同的拼写软件,或者它们可能安装了相同的软件但也许它们在 enchant.
