C# 移动列表框中的最后一个剩余项目

C# moving the last remaining item in a list box

这是一个 Windows 表单应用程序,它连接到服务器,获取表格并将它们转换为 drop create SQL 脚本。有两个列表框,加载初始表列表的 lbSource 和包含用户移动到那里以导出的表的 lbTarget。

出现的问题是,如果我移动最后一个剩余的项目(selIndex = 0),没有剩余的项目select (lbTarget.SetSelected(selIndex, true);) selIndex 得到一个值,但是列表框是空(超出范围)。 我需要 (selIndex >= 0) 的代码到 select 下一个项目,如果它在列表的顶部 (also selIndex = 0)

所以我尝试做的是检查是否 (listBox.Items.Count == 0),但这似乎不起作用。

这是您单击按钮将 (a) 某些项目从一个列表框移动到另一个列表框时发生的情况的代码。源代码与目标代码相同。

private void cmdTargetToSource_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //move more than one item
    lbTarget.SelectionMode = SelectionMode.MultiSimple;

    //sorting the lists
    lbSource.Sorted = true;
    lbTarget.Sorted = true;

    //save the selectedIndex
    int selIndex = lbTarget.SelectedIndex;

    if (lbTarget.SelectedIndex == -1)

    //moving last entry in listBox sets selIndex higher than lbTarget.Items.Count
    if (selIndex < lbTarget.Items.Count)
        selIndex = selIndex - 1;

    if (selIndex == -1)
        selIndex = selIndex + 1;

    //If there are no items left do nothing
    if (lbTarget.Items.Count == 0)

    if (selIndex == lbTarget.Items.Count -2)
        selIndex = selIndex - 1;

    MoveListBoxItems(lbTarget, lbSource);

    //select next item
    if (selIndex >= 0)
        lbTarget.SetSelected(selIndex, true);

    //selectionmode back to single selection
    lbTarget.SelectionMode = SelectionMode.One;

让我们看看:当您在 cmdTargetToSource 单击 时,您想要 从 [=14= 移动所有选定的项目 ]到ListBox lbTarget,对吧? 在那种情况下,首先提取方法:

private static void MoveSelectedItems(ListBox source, ListBox target) {
  if (null == source)
    throw new ArgumentNullException("source");
  else if (null == target)
    throw new ArgumentNullException("target");

  // Indice to move (Linq)
  var indice = source.SelectedIndices.OfType<int>().OrderByDescending(item => item);
  // Place to move (at the end of target listbox, if target is not sorted)
  int place = target.Items.Count;

  // we don't need repaint source as well as target on moving each item
  // which cause blinking, so let's stop updating them for the entire operation
  Boolean sorted = target.Sorted;

  try {
    // switch sorting off so sorting would not change indice 
    // of items inserted
    target.Sorted = false;

    // Move items from source to target
    foreach (var index in indice) {
      target.Items.Insert(place, source.Items[index]);

  finally {
    target.Sorted = true;


  private void cmdTargetToSource_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    MoveSelectedItems(lbSource, lbTarget);


  private void cmdBackTargetToSource_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    // Just swap source and target:
    MoveSelectedItems(lbTarget, lbSource);