Polymer 1.x:Geomap 重入

Polymer 1.x: Geomap Reentrancy

I want to get this geomap to behave properly。在用户按下 Select All 按钮后,状态开始消失。 修复了什么?


  1. Open this jsBin.
  2. 单击 Select 全部 按钮。
  3. 将鼠标悬停在阿拉斯加州。
  4. 请注意,当焦点位于阿拉斯加时,会出现包含州名的悬停文本。
  5. Select阿拉斯加州。
  6. ❌ 请注意填充颜色变为白色。
  7. ❌ 请注意,对于 selected 状态,焦点上不再有任何悬停文本。
  8. ❌再试一次select。注意没有任何反应。
  9. 在其他州 select 重复。
  10. 单击全部清除按钮。
  11. ❌ 请注意,之前 selected 状态是白色的,没有悬停焦点,而它们的相邻状态填充颜色为灰色,并且有悬停文本。
<!DOCTYPE html>

  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <base href="https://polygit.org/components/">
  <script src="webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.min.js"></script>
  <link href="polymer/polymer.html" rel="import">
  <link href="google-chart/google-chart.html" rel="import"> </head>

  <dom-module id="x-element">
        google-chart {
          width: 100%;
      <button on-tap="_show">Show Values</button>
      <button on-tap="clearAll">Clear All</button>
      <button on-tap="selectAll">Select All</button>
      <google-chart id="geochart"
      (function() {
        // Monkey patch for google-chart
        var gcp = Object.getPrototypeOf(document.createElement('google-chart'));
        gcp.drawChart = function() {
          if (this._canDraw) {
            if (!this.options) {
              this.options = {};
            if (!this._chartObject) {
              var chartClass = this._chartTypes[this.type];
              if (chartClass) {
                this._chartObject = new chartClass(this.$.chartdiv);
                    'ready', function() {
                    'select', function() {
                        this.selection = this._chartObject.getSelection();
                        this.fire('google-chart-select', { selection: this.selection });
                if (this._chartObject.setSelection){
            if (this._chartObject) {
              this._chartObject.draw(this._dataTable, this.options);
            } else {
              this.$.chartdiv.innerHTML = 'Undefined chart type';
          is: 'x-element',
          /** /
           * Fired when user selects chart item.
           * @event us-map-select
           * @param {object} detail Alpabetized array of selected state names.
          properties: {
            items: {
              type: Array,
              value: function() {
                return [ 'Alabama', 'Alaska', 'Arizona', 'Arkansas', 'California', 'Colorado', 'Connecticut', 'Delaware', 'Florida', 'Georgia', 'Hawaii', 'Idaho', 'Illinois', 'Indiana', 'Iowa', 'Kansas', 'Kentucky', 'Louisiana', 'Maine', 'Maryland', 'Massachusetts', 'Michigan', 'Minnesota', 'Mississippi', 'Missouri', 'Montana', 'Nebraska', 'Nevada', 'New Hampshire', 'New Jersey', 'New Mexico', 'New York', 'North Carolina', 'North Dakota', 'Ohio', 'Oklahoma', 'Oregon', 'Pennsylvania', 'Rhode Island', 'South Carolina', 'South Dakota', 'Tennessee', 'Texas', 'Utah', 'Vermont', 'Virginia', 'Washington', 'West Virginia', 'Wisconsin', 'Wyoming', ].sort();
            color: {
              type: String,
              value: 'blue',
            options: {
              type: Object,
              computed: '_computeOptions(color)',
            selected: {
              type: Array,
              value: function() {
                return [];
            data: {
              type: Array,
              computed: '_computeData(items, selected.length)'
            selectedString: {
              type: String,
              computed: '_computeSelectedString(selected.length)',
          _computeOptions: function() {
            return {
              region: 'US',
              displayMode: 'regions',
              resolution: 'provinces',
              legend: 'none',
              defaultColor: 'white',
              colorAxis: {
                colors: ['#E0E0E0', this.color],
                minValue: 0,  
                maxValue: 1,
          // On select event, compute 'selected'
          _onGoogleChartSelect: function(e) {
            var string = e.path[0].textContent.split('Select')[0].trim(), // e.g. 'Ohio'
                selected = this.selected, // Array of selected items
                index = selected.indexOf(string);
            // If 'string' is not in 'selected' array, add it; else delete it
            if (index === -1) {
              this.push('selected', string);
            } else {
              this.splice('selected', index, 1);
          _computeSelectedString: function(selectedInfo) {
            return this.selected.sort().join(', ');
          // After 'items' populates or 'selected' changes, compute 'data'
          _computeData: function(items, selectedInfo) {
            var data = [],
                selected = this.selected,
                i = items.length;
            while (i--) {
              data.unshift([items[i], selected.indexOf(items[i]) > -1 ? 1 : 0]);
            data.unshift(['State', 'Select']);
            return data;
          clearAll: function() {
            this.set('selected', []);
          selectAll: function() {
            this.set('selected', this.items);
          _show: function() {
            //console.log('items', this.items);
            console.log('selected', this.selected);
            //console.log('data', this.data);
  <x-element color="red" selected='["Colorado", "South Dakota"]'></x-element>



  selectAll: function() {
        this.set('selected', this.items.slice());

我添加了 this.items.slice()。否则 select 事件不会触发..
