增加数组大小时 CUDA nbody tile 计算错误代码 77

CUDA nbody tile calculation error code 77 when increasing array size

我无法在 CUDA 代码中解决这个问题。

我基本上是在计算 gems3 中数组大小不断增加的 nbody 问题。

粒子在 __global__ void ParticleAmplification() 内核中的特定数组中创建,dev_Ionisation,并通过主机函数添加到全局数组中 DynamicAlloc()

在这一个中,删除了空位置并将新位置放在新数组的末尾。 由于我抛出的线程多于可用粒子,因此我有一个转义变量以避免浪费时间检查是否有粒子。


checkCudaErrors( cudaFree( dev_vector ) );
checkCudaErrors( cudaMalloc( (void**)&dev_vector, N * sizeof(ParticleProperties) ) );

然后经过一些步骤,通常当粒子数量增加到大约 28000 时,内核崩溃。它给了我错误代码 77,这似乎归因于 (cudaDeviceSynchronize() error code 77: cudaErrorIllegalAddress) __device__ float3 computeBodyAccel 函数中外部共享变量大小 extern __shared__ float3 sharedPos[] 的错误大小。但是,那个似乎总是以相同的大小正确传递给内核:

size_t sharedMemSize = ThreadsInit * sizeof(float3);

integrateBodies<<<blocksInit, ThreadsInit, sharedMemSize>>>( dev_vectorIonisation, dt, numTiles, nbodyTemp );




// ----- Libraries C/C++ ----- //

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <dirent.h>

// ----- Libraries CUDA ----- //

#include "cuda.h"
#include <helper_cuda.h>

#include "curand_kernel.h"

// ----- Global variables ----- //

#define El_DIM 512

#define imin(a,b) (a<b?a:b)

using namespace std;

__constant__ float softening_ = 1.0e-12;    // softening factor for nbody interaction

__device__ __managed__ int NewParticles = 0;
__device__ __managed__ int TotalProcesses = 0;
__device__ __managed__ bool Ampl = false;

const int ThreadsInit = 512;
const int blocksPerGrid = (int)( ( El_DIM * El_DIM + ThreadsInit -1 ) / ThreadsInit );

struct ParticleProperties{
    float3 Position, Velocity, Force;

__device__ void initVector( ParticleProperties *dev_Vect, int index ){

    dev_Vect[index].Position.x = -1.0;
    dev_Vect[index].Position.y = -1.0;
    dev_Vect[index].Position.z = -1.0;

    dev_Vect[index].Velocity.x = 0.0;
    dev_Vect[index].Velocity.y = 0.0;
    dev_Vect[index].Velocity.z = 0.0;

    dev_Vect[index].Force.x = 0.0;
    dev_Vect[index].Force.y = 0.0;
    dev_Vect[index].Force.z = 0.0;

__device__ void SetVector( ParticleProperties *dev_Vect, float3 position, float4 v, int index ){

    dev_Vect[index].Position.x = position.x;
    dev_Vect[index].Position.y = position.y;
    dev_Vect[index].Position.z = position.z;

    dev_Vect[index].Velocity.x = v.x;
    dev_Vect[index].Velocity.y = v.y;
    dev_Vect[index].Velocity.z = v.z;

    dev_Vect[index].Force.x = 0.0;
    dev_Vect[index].Force.y = 0.0;
    dev_Vect[index].Force.z = 0.0;  

__device__ float3 bodyBodyInteraction( float3 fi, float3 bi, float3 bj ){

    float3 r;

    // r_ij  [4 FLOPS]
    r.x = ( bj.x - bi.x );
    r.y = ( bj.y - bi.y );
    r.z = ( bj.z - bi.z );
    r.z = 0.0;

    // distSqr = dot(r_ij, r_ij) + EPS^2  [7 FLOPS]
    float distSqr = r.x * r.x + ( r.y * r.y + ( r.z * r.z + softening_ * softening_ ) );

    // invDistCube =1/distSqr^(3/2)  [4 FLOPS (2 mul, 1 sqrt, 1 inv)]
    float invDist = rsqrt(distSqr);
    float invDistCube =  invDist * invDist * invDist;

    // s = m_j * invDistCube [2 FLOP]
    float s = invDistCube;
    // a_i =  a_i + s * r_ij [6 FLOPS]
    fi.x += r.x * s;
    fi.y += r.y * s;
    fi.z += r.z * s;

    return fi;

__device__ float3 computeBodyAccel( float3 force, float3 bodyPos, ParticleProperties * positions, const int numTiles, const int nbody ){

    extern __shared__ float3 sharedPos[];

    int computedNbody = 0;

    for( int tile = 0; tile < numTiles; tile++ ){

        sharedPos[threadIdx.x] = positions[tile * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x].Position;


        // This is the "tile_calculation" from the GPUG3 article.

#pragma unroll 128

        for( unsigned int counter = 0; counter < blockDim.x; counter++ ){
            force = bodyBodyInteraction(force, bodyPos, sharedPos[counter]);
            if( computedNbody == nbody ) break;

    return force;

__global__ void integrateBodies( ParticleProperties * __restrict__ dev_vector, float deltaTime, int numTiles, int nbody ){

    int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

    float3 position = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
    float3 force = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};

    if( index < nbody ){
        position = dev_vector[index].Position;

        force = computeBodyAccel( force, position, dev_vector, numTiles, nbody );

        // store new force
        dev_vector[index].Position = position;

        dev_vector[index].Force = force;

__global__ void IntegrationKernel( ParticleProperties * __restrict__ dev_vector, const float deltaT, const int nbody ){

    int tid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

    float3 dvel;
    float3 velocity;

    if( tid < nbody ){
        // integrate
        dvel.x = dev_vector[tid].Force.x * deltaT * 0.5;
        dvel.y = dev_vector[tid].Force.y * deltaT * 0.5;
        dvel.z = dev_vector[tid].Force.z * deltaT * 0.5;

        velocity.x = dev_vector[tid].Velocity.x + dvel.x;
        velocity.y = dev_vector[tid].Velocity.y + dvel.y;
        velocity.z = dev_vector[tid].Velocity.z + dvel.z;

        dev_vector[tid].Position.x += velocity.x * deltaT;
        dev_vector[tid].Position.y += velocity.y * deltaT;
        dev_vector[tid].Position.z += velocity.z * deltaT;

        dev_vector[tid].Velocity.x = velocity.x + dvel.x;
        dev_vector[tid].Velocity.y = velocity.y + dvel.y;
        dev_vector[tid].Velocity.z = velocity.z + dvel.z;

__global__ void ParticleAmplification( curandState *state, ParticleProperties * __restrict__ dev_vectorIonisation, 
                                        ParticleProperties * __restrict__ dev_Ionisation, 
                                        const float dt, int numbodies ){

    int tid = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;

    int LocalProcesses = 0;

    float3 position = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};

    float4 v_new = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};

    float prob = 0.0;

    if( TotalProcesses >= El_DIM * El_DIM - 1 ) Ampl = false;

    if( tid < numbodies ){
        position.x = dev_vectorIonisation[tid].Position.x;
        position.y = dev_vectorIonisation[tid].Position.y;
        position.z = dev_vectorIonisation[tid].Position.z;

        prob = curand_uniform( &state[tid] );

        if( Ampl ){
            if( prob < 1.e-3 ){
                atomicAdd( &TotalProcesses, 1 );
                LocalProcesses = atomicAdd( &NewParticles, 1 );

                v_new.x = 0.0;
                v_new.y = 0.0;
                v_new.z = 0.0;          

                SetVector( dev_Ionisation, position, v_new, LocalProcesses );

__global__ void initCurand( curandState *state, unsigned long seed ){
    int tid = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;

    curand_init(seed, tid, 0, &state[tid]);

__global__ void initProcessIoni( ParticleProperties *dev_Vect ){
    int x = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
    initVector( dev_Vect, x );

__global__ void Enumerate_Nbody( ParticleProperties *dev_Vect, int *N, int PrevNbody ){
    int tid = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;

    int gid = blockIdx.x;

    extern __shared__ int cache[];

    if( tid == 0 ) 
        *N = 0;

    if( threadIdx.x == 0 )  
        cache[gid] = 0;


    while( tid < PrevNbody ){
        if( dev_Vect[tid].Position.x > -1.0 )
            atomicAdd( &(cache[gid]), 1 );
        tid += blockDim.x * gridDim.x;


    if( threadIdx.x == 0 )
        atomicAdd( N, cache[gid] );

void DynamicAlloc( ParticleProperties **DynamicVector, const ParticleProperties *StaticVector, const int n, int nbody, const int max ){

    ParticleProperties *h_vectorIonisation = new ParticleProperties [nbody];

    ParticleProperties *VectTemporary = new ParticleProperties [n]; 

    checkCudaErrors( cudaMemcpy( VectTemporary, *DynamicVector, n * sizeof(ParticleProperties), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost ) );

    checkCudaErrors( cudaFree( *DynamicVector ) );

    int i = 0;
    int j = 0;

        for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ){
            if( VectTemporary[i].Position.x > -1.0 ){
                h_vectorIonisation[j] = VectTemporary[i];

    delete [] VectTemporary;

    if( NewParticles != 0 ){
        ParticleProperties *StaticVectTemporary = new ParticleProperties [max]; 
        checkCudaErrors( cudaMemcpy( StaticVectTemporary, StaticVector, max * sizeof(ParticleProperties), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost ) );
        int k = 0;

#pragma unroll 32       
        for( i = 0; i < max; i++ ){
            if( StaticVectTemporary[i].Position.x > -1.0 ){
                h_vectorIonisation[j + k] = StaticVectTemporary[i];

        delete [] StaticVectTemporary;

    if( nbody > 0 ){
        checkCudaErrors( cudaMalloc( (void**)DynamicVector, nbody * sizeof(ParticleProperties) ) );

        checkCudaErrors( cudaMemcpy( *DynamicVector, h_vectorIonisation, nbody * sizeof(ParticleProperties), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice ) );

    delete [] h_vectorIonisation;

int main( int argc_, char **argv_ ){    


    cudaDeviceProp prop;

    checkCudaErrors( cudaGetDeviceProperties( &prop, 0 ) );

    int Newers = 256;

    int nbody = 1;

    Ampl = true;

    int *dev_nbody;
    checkCudaErrors( cudaMalloc( (void**)&dev_nbody, sizeof(int) ) );
    checkCudaErrors( cudaMemcpy( dev_nbody, &nbody, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice ) );

    float dt = 0.5e-13;

    float3 pos;
    pos.x = 1.0 / 2.0 * 1.0e-3;
    pos.y = 1.0 / 2.0 * 1.0e-3;
    pos.z = 1.0 / 2.0 * 1.0e-3;

    float3 speed;
    speed.x = 0.0;
    speed.y = 0.0;
    speed.z = 0.0;

    ParticleProperties *dev_vectorIonisation;
    checkCudaErrors( cudaMalloc( (void**)&dev_vectorIonisation, nbody * sizeof(ParticleProperties) ) );

    ParticleProperties *host_vectorIonisation = new ParticleProperties [nbody];

    clog << "Particles array initialisation...";

    for( int i = 0; i < nbody; i++ ){
        host_vectorIonisation[i].Position.x = drand48() * 1.0e-6 + pos.x;
        host_vectorIonisation[i].Position.y = drand48() * 1.0e-6 + pos.y;
        host_vectorIonisation[i].Position.z = 0.0;

        host_vectorIonisation[i].Velocity.x = speed.x;
        host_vectorIonisation[i].Velocity.y = speed.y;
        host_vectorIonisation[i].Velocity.z = speed.z;

        host_vectorIonisation[i].Force.x = 0.0;
        host_vectorIonisation[i].Force.y = 0.0;
        host_vectorIonisation[i].Force.z = 0.0;

    checkCudaErrors( cudaMemcpy( dev_vectorIonisation, host_vectorIonisation, nbody * sizeof(ParticleProperties), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice ) );

    delete [] host_vectorIonisation;

    clog << "Done" << endl;

    ParticleProperties *dev_Ionisation;
    checkCudaErrors( cudaMalloc( (void**)&dev_Ionisation, Newers * sizeof(ParticleProperties) ) );  

    curandState *RndState;  
    checkCudaErrors( cudaMalloc( (void**)&RndState, El_DIM * El_DIM * sizeof(curandState) ) );

    unsigned long seed = 1773;  

    clog << "cuRand array initialisation...";

    initCurand<<<blocksPerGrid, ThreadsInit>>>( RndState, seed );

    initProcessIoni<<<1, Newers>>>( dev_Ionisation );

    clog << "Done" << endl;

    clog << "Propagation of " << nbody << " primary particle(s)." << endl;

    int ProcessTemp = 0; 

    int nbodyTemp = nbody;

    int blocksInit = (nbody + ThreadsInit - 1) / ThreadsInit;
    int numTiles = (nbody + ThreadsInit - 1) / ThreadsInit;

    size_t sharedMemSize = ThreadsInit * sizeof(float3);

    char buffer[64];

    setvbuf(stdout, buffer, _IOFBF, sizeof(buffer));

    while( nbody > 0 ){
        integrateBodies<<<blocksInit, ThreadsInit, sharedMemSize>>>( dev_vectorIonisation, dt, numTiles, nbodyTemp );

        IntegrationKernel<<<blocksInit, ThreadsInit>>>( dev_vectorIonisation, dt, nbodyTemp );

        ParticleAmplification<<<blocksInit, ThreadsInit>>>( RndState, dev_vectorIonisation, dev_Ionisation, dt, nbodyTemp );
        checkCudaErrors( cudaDeviceSynchronize() );

        Enumerate_Nbody<<<blocksInit, ThreadsInit, blocksInit * sizeof(int)>>>( dev_vectorIonisation, dev_nbody, nbodyTemp );
        checkCudaErrors( cudaDeviceSynchronize() );
        getLastCudaError("Kernel enumerate bodies execution failed");

        checkCudaErrors( cudaMemcpy( &nbody, dev_nbody, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost ) );

        nbody += NewParticles;

        if( NewParticles > ProcessTemp ) ProcessTemp = NewParticles;

        if( nbody != nbodyTemp ){
            DynamicAlloc( &dev_vectorIonisation, dev_Ionisation, nbodyTemp, nbody, Newers );

            numTiles = blocksInit = ( nbody + ThreadsInit - 1) / ThreadsInit;

            if( NewParticles != 0 ){
                initProcessIoni<<<1, Newers>>>( dev_Ionisation );
                checkCudaErrors( cudaDeviceSynchronize() );

            nbodyTemp = nbody;

            NewParticles = 0;
            checkCudaErrors( cudaDeviceSynchronize() );
        printf("\r nbodies: %d", nbodyTemp);

    checkCudaErrors( cudaFree( dev_Ionisation ) );

这是在具有 3.5 计算能力的 GTX Titan Black 上执行的

您的问题始于这行代码(在 main 中):

numTiles = blocksInit = ( nbody + ThreadsInit - 1) / ThreadsInit;

这会创建足够的图块来完全覆盖 nbody 的大小,但并非每个图块都充满了物体

问题实际上在此时出现在您的 computeBodyAccel 例程中,从 integrateBodies:

for( int tile = 0; tile < numTiles; tile++ ){

    sharedPos[threadIdx.x] = positions[tile * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x].Position;

您对 positions 的索引没有任何保护,并且您假设每个图块对于 threadIdx.x 的每个值都有一个有效的 positions 条目。但事实并非如此,通过使用 -lineinfo 编译代码并使用 cuda-memcheck 编译代码可以发现问题的第一个表现形式。在这种情况下,由于 cuda-memcheck 提供了严格的内存保护,您的代码(对我而言)在大约 500 个实体而不是 28000 个时失败。具体的失败是大小为 4 的无效全局读取,在最后一行代码如上所示。 (因此,这不是与共享内存的 write 相关的索引问题。)从根本上说,问题是 tile*blockDim.s + threadIdx.x 可以超过 nbody,而你索引 out-of-bounds 阅读 positions。 (使用 -lineinfo 识别失败的特定内核代码行已涵盖 here

对您的 computeBodyAccel 例程进行的以下 limit-checking 修改允许我 运行 您的代码达到大约 262,000 个身体,在那里它停止增加(由于 Ampl限制在 El_DIM*El_DIM) 并保持在那里:

__device__ float3 computeBodyAccel( float3 force, float3 bodyPos, ParticleProperties * positions, const int numTiles, const int nbody ){

    extern __shared__ float3 sharedPos[];

    int computedNbody = 0;

    for( int tile = 0; tile < numTiles; tile++ ){
        if ((tile*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x) < nbody)

          sharedPos[threadIdx.x] = positions[tile * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x].Position;


        // This is the "tile_calculation" from the GPUG3 article.

        int limit = blockDim.x;
        if (tile = (numTiles - 1)) limit -= (numTiles*blockDim.x)-nbody;
#pragma unroll 128

        for( unsigned int counter = 0; counter < limit; counter++ ){
            force = bodyBodyInteraction(force, bodyPos, sharedPos[counter]);
            if( computedNbody == nbody ) break;

    return force;

您的代码中似乎还有一个问题,即使通过上述修复似乎 运行。如果你运行代码(上面"fix")和cuda-memcheck并使用here描述的-lineinfo方法,你会发现(由于内存更紧cuda-memcheck 强制执行的范围检查)当物体数量变大时,最终你在 ParticleAmplification 中尝试创建一个新粒子并在最后调用 SetVector 时遇到另一个内存访问错误.这条线之间似乎存在竞争条件:

if( TotalProcesses >= El_DIM * El_DIM - 1 ) Ampl = false;

和以下可能同时增加 TotalProcessesLocalProcesses 的行:

            atomicAdd( &TotalProcesses, 1 );
            LocalProcesses = atomicAdd( &NewParticles, 1 );

因为你有很多线程 运行ning 并行,这种类型的限制检查是无用的。您需要更仔细地管理新粒子的建立,方法是检查 atomicAdd 操作的实际返回值并查看它们是否超出限制。