使用 (GNU) make 创建数据分析管道

Creating a data analysis pipeline using (GNU) make


由于一个步骤最多可能需要一个小时才能完成,因此我希望有一种自动化的方法来 运行 所有主题的所有步骤并计算汇总统计数据,而无需重复已经完成的步骤已完成。

Make 似乎是一个很好用的实用程序,但我需要一些有关 Makefile 结构的帮助。这是一个简化的例子:

# Keep intermediate files!

# In this simplified example, there are 3 subjects, in reality there are more 
SUBJECTS = subject_a subject_b subject_c

# In this simplified example there are 3 data processing steps, each one taking
# one file as input and emitting one file as output. In reality, there are more
# steps and each step takes multiple input files and emits multiple output
# files.
step1_%.dat : step1.py input_%.dat
    touch step1_$*.dat

step2_%.dat : step2.py step1_%.dat
    touch step2_$*.dat

# Let's say this step produces many output files
STEP3_PROD = step3_%_1.dat step3_%_2.dat step3_%_3.dat
$(STEP3_PROD) : step3.py step2_%.dat
    touch $(STEP3_PROD)

# Meta rule to perform the complete analysis for a single subject
subject_% : step1_%.dat step2_%.dat $(STEP3_PROD)
    @echo 'Analysis complete for subject $*.'

# The summary depends on the analysis of all subjects being complete.
summary.dat : summary.py $(SUBJECTS)
    touch summary.dat
    @echo 'All analysis done!'

all : summary.dat

上面 Makefile 的问题是摘要步骤 python summary.py 总是被执行,即使什么都没有改变。这可能是因为它依赖于虚假的 subject_% 规则,该规则始终是 build.

有没有办法构造这个脚本,这样总结步骤就不会被不必要地执行?也许有一些方法可以扩展 $(STEP3_PROD) 所有科目?



all: summary.dat

SUBJECT_RULES:=$(addprefix subject_, $(SUBJECTS))

subject_a: step3_a_1.dat
subject_b: step3_b_1.dat
subject_c: step3_c_1.dat

step1_%.dat: input_%.dat
    touch $@

step2_%.dat: step1_%.dat
    touch $@

step3_%_1.dat: step2_%.dat
    touch $@

STEP3_PRE:=$(addprefix step3_, $(SUBJECTS))
STEP3_1_OUT:=$(addsuffix _1.dat, $(STEP3_PRE))
    $(addsuffix _2.dat, $(STEP3_PRE)) \
    $(addsuffix _3.dat, $(STEP3_PRE))

summary.dat: $(STEP3_1_OUT)
    @echo "summary: $(STEP3_ALL_OUT)"
    touch $@

我认为没有必要跟踪 step3_%_2.dat 等等,因为无论如何它们都是用 step3_%_1.dat 重建的。