如何使用 PDFBox 在 pdf 中查找 table 边框线?

How to find table border lines in pdf using PDFBox?

我正在尝试在 pdf 中查找 table 边框线。我用了pdfBox的PrintTextLocations class来造字。现在我正在寻找构成 table 的不同线条的坐标。我尝试使用 org.apache.pdfbox.pdfviewer.PageDrawer,但找不到任何包含这些行的 character/graphic。我尝试了两种方法:


Graphics g = null;
Dimension d = new Dimension();
d.setSize(700, 700);
PageDrawer pageDrawer = new PageDrawer();
pageDrawer.drawPage(g, myPage, d);

它给了我空指针异常。所以其次,我试图覆盖 processStream 功能,但我无法获得任何中风。请帮帮我。我愿意使用任何其他库,它会给我 table 中的行坐标。另一个快速问题,pdfbox 中的那些 table 边框线是什么类型的对象?这些是图形还是字符?

这是我尝试解析的示例 pdf 的 link: http://stats.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/empsit.pdf 并尝试获取第 8 页上的 table 行。

Edit :我遇到了另一个问题,在解析此 pdf 的第 1 页时,我无法获得任何行作为 printPath() 中的 pathIterator函数为空,尽管为每一行调用了 strokePath() 函数。如何使用此 pdf?

在 1.8.* 版本中,PDFBox 解析功能的实现方式不是很通用,特别是 OperatorProcessor 实现与特定解析器 classes 紧密相关,例如处理路径绘制操作的实现假定与 PageDrawer 实例交互。

因此,除非有人想要复制和粘贴所有那些 OperatorProcessor classes 并进行微小的更改,否则必须从这样一个特定的解析器派生 class.

因此,在您的情况下,我们也将从 PageDrawer 派生我们的解析器,毕竟我们 对路径绘制操作感兴趣:

public class PrintPaths extends PageDrawer
    // constructor
    public PrintPaths() throws IOException

    // method overrides for mere path observation
    // ignore text
    protected void processTextPosition(TextPosition text) { }

    // ignore bitmaps
    public void drawImage(Image awtImage, AffineTransform at) { }

    // ignore shadings
    public void shFill(COSName shadingName) throws IOException { }

    public void processStream(PDPage aPage, PDResources resources, COSStream cosStream) throws IOException
        PDRectangle cropBox = aPage.findCropBox();
        this.pageSize = cropBox.createDimension();
        super.processStream(aPage, resources, cosStream);

    public void fillPath(int windingRule) throws IOException
        System.out.printf("Fill; windingrule: %s\n\n", windingRule);

    public void strokePath() throws IOException
        System.out.printf("Stroke; unscaled width: %s\n\n", getGraphicsState().getLineWidth());

    void printPath()
        GeneralPath path = getLinePath();
        PathIterator pathIterator = path.getPathIterator(null);

        double x = 0, y = 0;
        double coords[] = new double[6];
        while (!pathIterator.isDone()) {
            switch (pathIterator.currentSegment(coords)) {
            case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO:
                System.out.printf("Move to (%s %s)\n", coords[0], fixY(coords[1]));
                x = coords[0];
                y = coords[1];
            case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO:
                double width = getEffectiveWidth(coords[0] - x, coords[1] - y);
                System.out.printf("Line to (%s %s), scaled width %s\n", coords[0], fixY(coords[1]), width);
                x = coords[0];
                y = coords[1];
            case PathIterator.SEG_QUADTO:
                System.out.printf("Quad along (%s %s) and (%s %s)\n", coords[0], fixY(coords[1]), coords[2], fixY(coords[3]));
                x = coords[2];
                y = coords[3];
            case PathIterator.SEG_CUBICTO:
                System.out.printf("Cubic along (%s %s), (%s %s), and (%s %s)\n", coords[0], fixY(coords[1]), coords[2], fixY(coords[3]), coords[4], fixY(coords[5]));
                x = coords[4];
                y = coords[5];
            case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE:
                System.out.println("Close path");

    double getEffectiveWidth(double dirX, double dirY)
        if (dirX == 0 && dirY == 0)
            return 0;
        Matrix ctm = getGraphicsState().getCurrentTransformationMatrix();
        double widthX = dirY;
        double widthY = -dirX;
        double widthXTransformed = widthX * ctm.getValue(0, 0) + widthY * ctm.getValue(1, 0);
        double widthYTransformed = widthX * ctm.getValue(0, 1) + widthY * ctm.getValue(1, 1);
        double factor = Math.sqrt((widthXTransformed*widthXTransformed + widthYTransformed*widthYTransformed) / (widthX*widthX + widthY*widthY));
        return getGraphicsState().getLineWidth() * factor;


因为我们不想实际绘制页面而只是提取将被绘制的路径,我们必须剥离PageDrawer 像这样。



PDDocument document = PDDocument.load(resource);
List<?> allPages = document.getDocumentCatalog().getAllPages();
int i = 7; // page 8

System.out.println("\n\nPage " + (i+1));
PrintPaths printPaths = new PrintPaths();

PDPage page = (PDPage) allPages.get(i);
PDStream contents = page.getContents();
if (contents != null)
    printPaths.processStream(page, page.findResources(), page.getContents().getStream());



Page 8
Move to (35.92070007324219 724.6490478515625)
Line to (574.72998046875 724.6490478515625), scaled width 0.5981000089123845
Stroke; unscaled width: 5.981

Move to (35.92070007324219 694.4660034179688)
Line to (574.72998046875 694.4660034179688), scaled width 0.5981000089123845
Stroke; unscaled width: 5.981

Move to (292.2610168457031 468.677001953125)
Line to (292.8590087890625 468.677001953125), scaled width 512.9430076434463
Stroke; unscaled width: 5129.43

Move to (348.9360046386719 468.677001953125)
Line to (349.53399658203125 468.677001953125), scaled width 512.9430076434463
Stroke; unscaled width: 5129.43

Move to (405.6090087890625 468.677001953125)
Line to (406.2070007324219 468.677001953125), scaled width 512.9430076434463
Stroke; unscaled width: 5129.43

Move to (462.281982421875 468.677001953125)
Line to (462.8799743652344 468.677001953125), scaled width 512.9430076434463
Stroke; unscaled width: 5129.43

Move to (518.9549560546875 468.677001953125)
Line to (519.553955078125 468.677001953125), scaled width 512.9430076434463
Stroke; unscaled width: 5129.43

Move to (35.92070007324219 725.447998046875)
Line to (574.72998046875 725.447998046875), scaled width 0.5981000089123845
Stroke; unscaled width: 5.981

Move to (35.92070007324219 212.5050048828125)
Line to (574.72998046875 212.5050048828125), scaled width 0.5981000089123845
Stroke; unscaled width: 5.981

非常奇特:垂直线实际上被画成很短(大约 0.6 个单位)很粗(大约 513 个单位)的水平线...