Google 某些页面上的 ga("send", "pageview") 分析错误
Google Analytics error in ga("send", "pageview") on certain pages
实施增强型电子商务后,我发现在 Google Analytics 中显示的页面子集非常小,因为 没有 具有 Analytics 代码。
我安装了 GA Debug Google Chrome 扩展,我可以看到在一些页面上 ga("send", "pageview")
但是,我在任何文档或在线任何地方都找不到描述 ga("send", "pageview")
重要的是,页面上没有 javascript 错误,我能看到任何东西的唯一方法是使用 GA 调试插件 - 有些人说它不能很好地工作!然而 Google 显示这一小部分页面存在未知问题。
(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1 *new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
ga('create', 'UA-500228-1', 'auto');
ga('require', 'ec'); // Load the advanced ecommerce plug-in.
ga('require', 'displayfeatures'); // Load display advertising.
ga('set', '&cu', 'GBP'); // Set currency
// Add generated analytics elements from the request container
ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '021109021CB'
, 'name': 'Cam shaft, Type 4 Mechanical Std. (No Cam Wheel)'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': ''
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 1
, 'price': 148.75
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '071109021CB'
, 'name': 'Cam shaft Type4 Hydraulic Std (No Cam Wheel)'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': ''
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 2
, 'price': 133.92
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '021198541'
, 'name': ' Cam bearing set, std, 1.7-2.0 [43]'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': ''
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 3
, 'price': 9.93
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '021109309G'
, 'name': 'Cam follower 1.7-2.0 Type4 engine 72-78'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': ''
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 4
, 'price': 9.00
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '022109309'
, 'name': 'Cam Follower Hydraulic Type 4/WBX & CT Engine'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': ''
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 5
, 'price': 14.17
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': 'AC10920091'
, 'name': ' Lifters, Type 4 Scat Lube-a-Lobe Set of 8'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': 'SCAT'
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 6
, 'price': 95.33
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '021109301A'
, 'name': 'Pushrod, Type4 with Solid tappets, 271mm'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': 'VW'
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 7
, 'price': 24.83
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '021198335'
, 'name': 'Pushrod Tube and Seal Kit for Type 4 Engines 1700-2000'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': 'KITS'
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 8
, 'price': 40.33
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '021109335C'
, 'name': 'Push rod tube 1.7-2.0 Aircooled'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': 'SSP'
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 9
, 'price': 4.92
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '021109335CSS'
, 'name': 'Push rod tube 1.7-2.0 Aircooled Stainless Steel'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': 'KAEFER'
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 10
, 'price': 8.58
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '021109345A'
, 'name': ' Pushrod Seal, Between Tube & Case,1.7-2.0, Small [37]'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': ''
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 11
, 'price': 0.42
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '021109349B'
, 'name': ' Pushrod Seal, Tube to Head, 1.7-2.0, Large 25.1 [37]'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': ''
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 12
, 'price': 0.42
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '021109339'
, 'name': 'Retaining wire, push rods tube 1.7-2.0'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': ''
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 13
, 'price': 6.42
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '113109651A'
, 'name': 'Valve collet, all aircooled, WBX, Diesel and Golf 1100-1800'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': ''
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 14
, 'price': 0.83
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '021109641B'
, 'name': ' Retainer, valve spring, 1.7-2.0 [38]'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': ''
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 15
, 'price': 3.72
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '021109623K'
, 'name': 'Valve Spring, Type4 1.7-2.0'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': ''
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 16
, 'price': 4.17
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '021109601'
, 'name': 'Inlet valve, 1.7 & 1.8 8/74-> (39.3mm x 8mm Stem)'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': 'IVAM'
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 17
, 'price': 5.42
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '022109601'
, 'name': ' Inlet valve, 1.8, 8/73-7/74 (41x8mm) [39]'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': 'IVAM'
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 18
, 'price': 8.74
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '021109601A'
, 'name': 'Inlet valve, 2.0, 8/75-79 (37.5mm)'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': 'IVAM'
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 19
, 'price': 5.83
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '022109612D'
, 'name': 'Exhaust valve, 1.7-2.0, 33mm'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': 'IVAM'
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 20
, 'price': 8.25
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '022109612A'
, 'name': ' Exhaust valve, 1800cc, 34mm* [50]'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': 'IVAM'
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 21
, 'price': 8.50
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '021101403A'
, 'name': 'Valve Guide, Inlet, Type 4 Engine'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': 'IVAM'
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 22
, 'price': 3.36
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '021101417A'
, 'name': 'Valve guide, exhaust, 9mm'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': 'IVAM'
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 23
, 'price': 3.33
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '022109443'
, 'name': 'Rocker arm, Inlet, 2.0 Aircooled 76-83, 10mm screw'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': 'VW'
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 24
, 'price': 21.00
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '022109463'
, 'name': '**NLA** Rocker arm, Exhaust, 2.0 Aircooled 76-83, 10mm scr'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': ''
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 25
, 'price': 21.00
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': 'N0110077'
, 'name': 'M7 nut for 1.7-2.0 Type4 rocker shafts'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': ''
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 26
, 'price': 0.25
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '043109451'
, 'name': 'Valve screw, Best Quality ,1.2-1.6, 8/60-, 8mm'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': ''
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 27
, 'price': 1.67
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '022109451'
, 'name': 'Adjusting screw,valve,1.8-2.0 2.1DJ,1.9DG 89-, 10mm,NOT 1.7!'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': ''
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 28
, 'price': 3.33
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': 'N0111525'
, 'name': ' Nut, 8mm valve adjuster+general use [10]'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': ''
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 29
, 'price': 0.34
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '028109453'
, 'name': 'Nut for 10mm valve adjusting screw'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': 'VW'
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 30
, 'price': 2.08
ga('send', 'pageview');
这与许多其他 正常工作的页面相同,显然具有不同的产品数据 - 所以我想知道是否产品数据本身导致了问题。
我在GA Debug中看到的错误如下:
Error: type={0: "len", 1: 9199} method= message= account=
(anonymous function)
gc.(anonymous function).H
ad.(anonymous function).send
b.(anonymous function)
(anonymous function)
(anonymous function)
(anonymous function)
最后三个匿名函数来自 ec.js,其余来自 analytics_debug.js。
当然,所有这些都可能是误导,因为它来自调试而不是 GA 本身 - 但除了 Google 否认这些页面上有代码之外,我没有其他问题迹象他们!
Error: type={0: "len", 1: 18608} method= message= account=
the limit for a http request to the Google Analytics endpoint is 8192 bytes - this is stated in the documentation for the measurement protocol (which is the basis for Universal Analytics)
为避免此类限制,您可以限制印象数据以使 http 请求更小。阅读本文后,我将印象数据仅限于 id 和品牌、价格。我排除了姓名数据。
您可以参考 Eike Pierstorff 的这篇 Whosebug 文章。
Google Analytics. Enhanced Ecommerce. Limit for product impressions
实施增强型电子商务后,我发现在 Google Analytics 中显示的页面子集非常小,因为 没有 具有 Analytics 代码。
我安装了 GA Debug Google Chrome 扩展,我可以看到在一些页面上 ga("send", "pageview")
但是,我在任何文档或在线任何地方都找不到描述 ga("send", "pageview")
重要的是,页面上没有 javascript 错误,我能看到任何东西的唯一方法是使用 GA 调试插件 - 有些人说它不能很好地工作!然而 Google 显示这一小部分页面存在未知问题。
(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1 *new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
ga('create', 'UA-500228-1', 'auto');
ga('require', 'ec'); // Load the advanced ecommerce plug-in.
ga('require', 'displayfeatures'); // Load display advertising.
ga('set', '&cu', 'GBP'); // Set currency
// Add generated analytics elements from the request container
ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '021109021CB'
, 'name': 'Cam shaft, Type 4 Mechanical Std. (No Cam Wheel)'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': ''
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 1
, 'price': 148.75
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '071109021CB'
, 'name': 'Cam shaft Type4 Hydraulic Std (No Cam Wheel)'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': ''
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 2
, 'price': 133.92
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '021198541'
, 'name': ' Cam bearing set, std, 1.7-2.0 [43]'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': ''
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 3
, 'price': 9.93
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '021109309G'
, 'name': 'Cam follower 1.7-2.0 Type4 engine 72-78'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': ''
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 4
, 'price': 9.00
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '022109309'
, 'name': 'Cam Follower Hydraulic Type 4/WBX & CT Engine'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': ''
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 5
, 'price': 14.17
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': 'AC10920091'
, 'name': ' Lifters, Type 4 Scat Lube-a-Lobe Set of 8'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': 'SCAT'
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 6
, 'price': 95.33
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '021109301A'
, 'name': 'Pushrod, Type4 with Solid tappets, 271mm'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': 'VW'
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 7
, 'price': 24.83
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '021198335'
, 'name': 'Pushrod Tube and Seal Kit for Type 4 Engines 1700-2000'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': 'KITS'
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 8
, 'price': 40.33
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '021109335C'
, 'name': 'Push rod tube 1.7-2.0 Aircooled'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': 'SSP'
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 9
, 'price': 4.92
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '021109335CSS'
, 'name': 'Push rod tube 1.7-2.0 Aircooled Stainless Steel'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': 'KAEFER'
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 10
, 'price': 8.58
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '021109345A'
, 'name': ' Pushrod Seal, Between Tube & Case,1.7-2.0, Small [37]'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': ''
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 11
, 'price': 0.42
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '021109349B'
, 'name': ' Pushrod Seal, Tube to Head, 1.7-2.0, Large 25.1 [37]'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': ''
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 12
, 'price': 0.42
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '021109339'
, 'name': 'Retaining wire, push rods tube 1.7-2.0'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': ''
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 13
, 'price': 6.42
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '113109651A'
, 'name': 'Valve collet, all aircooled, WBX, Diesel and Golf 1100-1800'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': ''
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 14
, 'price': 0.83
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '021109641B'
, 'name': ' Retainer, valve spring, 1.7-2.0 [38]'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': ''
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 15
, 'price': 3.72
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '021109623K'
, 'name': 'Valve Spring, Type4 1.7-2.0'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': ''
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 16
, 'price': 4.17
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '021109601'
, 'name': 'Inlet valve, 1.7 & 1.8 8/74-> (39.3mm x 8mm Stem)'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': 'IVAM'
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 17
, 'price': 5.42
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '022109601'
, 'name': ' Inlet valve, 1.8, 8/73-7/74 (41x8mm) [39]'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': 'IVAM'
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 18
, 'price': 8.74
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '021109601A'
, 'name': 'Inlet valve, 2.0, 8/75-79 (37.5mm)'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': 'IVAM'
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 19
, 'price': 5.83
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '022109612D'
, 'name': 'Exhaust valve, 1.7-2.0, 33mm'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': 'IVAM'
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 20
, 'price': 8.25
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '022109612A'
, 'name': ' Exhaust valve, 1800cc, 34mm* [50]'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': 'IVAM'
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 21
, 'price': 8.50
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '021101403A'
, 'name': 'Valve Guide, Inlet, Type 4 Engine'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': 'IVAM'
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 22
, 'price': 3.36
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '021101417A'
, 'name': 'Valve guide, exhaust, 9mm'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': 'IVAM'
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 23
, 'price': 3.33
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '022109443'
, 'name': 'Rocker arm, Inlet, 2.0 Aircooled 76-83, 10mm screw'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': 'VW'
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 24
, 'price': 21.00
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '022109463'
, 'name': '**NLA** Rocker arm, Exhaust, 2.0 Aircooled 76-83, 10mm scr'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': ''
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 25
, 'price': 21.00
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': 'N0110077'
, 'name': 'M7 nut for 1.7-2.0 Type4 rocker shafts'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': ''
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 26
, 'price': 0.25
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '043109451'
, 'name': 'Valve screw, Best Quality ,1.2-1.6, 8/60-, 8mm'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': ''
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 27
, 'price': 1.67
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '022109451'
, 'name': 'Adjusting screw,valve,1.8-2.0 2.1DJ,1.9DG 89-, 10mm,NOT 1.7!'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': ''
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 28
, 'price': 3.33
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': 'N0111525'
, 'name': ' Nut, 8mm valve adjuster+general use [10]'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': ''
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 29
, 'price': 0.34
}); ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': '028109453'
, 'name': 'Nut for 10mm valve adjusting screw'
, 'category': 'Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'
, 'brand': 'VW'
, 'list': 'Product listings'
, 'position': 30
, 'price': 2.08
ga('send', 'pageview');
这与许多其他 正常工作的页面相同,显然具有不同的产品数据 - 所以我想知道是否产品数据本身导致了问题。
我在GA Debug中看到的错误如下:
Error: type={0: "len", 1: 9199} method= message= account=
(anonymous function)
gc.(anonymous function).H
ad.(anonymous function).send
b.(anonymous function)
(anonymous function)
(anonymous function)
(anonymous function)
最后三个匿名函数来自 ec.js,其余来自 analytics_debug.js。
当然,所有这些都可能是误导,因为它来自调试而不是 GA 本身 - 但除了 Google 否认这些页面上有代码之外,我没有其他问题迹象他们!
Error: type={0: "len", 1: 18608} method= message= account=
the limit for a http request to the Google Analytics endpoint is 8192 bytes - this is stated in the documentation for the measurement protocol (which is the basis for Universal Analytics)
为避免此类限制,您可以限制印象数据以使 http 请求更小。阅读本文后,我将印象数据仅限于 id 和品牌、价格。我排除了姓名数据。
您可以参考 Eike Pierstorff 的这篇 Whosebug 文章。 Google Analytics. Enhanced Ecommerce. Limit for product impressions