另一个 C++ 输出对齐问题

Another C++ output alignment issue

过去 3 小时我一直在尝试对齐以下代码,但没有成功。有人可以告诉我我做错了什么吗? 我的目标是让字符串文字左对齐,变量右对齐,如下所示:

Loan amount:             $ 10000.00
Monthly Interest Rate:        0.10%


Loan amount:             $ 10000.00
Monthly Interest Rate:   0.10%


cout << setw(25) << "Loan amount:" << right << "$ "<< amount << endl;
cout << setw(25) << "Monthly Interest Rate:"<< right<< rateMonthly << "%" << endl;


这里是 live demo,它应该会输出您想要的内容。 std::to_string(double) 无法设置精度,这就是为什么我创建了一个小助手来完成它。

auto to_string_precision(double amount, int precision)
    stringstream stream;
    stream << fixed << setprecision(precision) << amount;
    return stream.str();

cout << setw(25) << left << "Loan amount:" << setw(10) << right << ("$ " + to_string_precision(amount, 2)) << endl;
cout << setw(25) << left << "Monthly Interest Rate:" << setw(10) << right << (to_string_precision(rateMonthly, 2) + "%") << endl;


cout << setw(25) << left << "Loan amount:" << "$ " << amount << endl;
cout << setw(25) << left << "Monthly Interest Rate:" << rateMonthly << "%" << endl;


Loan amount:             $ 10000.00
Monthly Interest Rate:        0.10%


cout  << "Loan amount:"  <<setw(25)<< "$ "<< amount << endl;
cout  << "Monthly Interest Rate:"<< setw(19)<< rateMonthly << "%" << endl;


cout << setw(25) << left << "Loan amount:"<< "$ " << amount << endl;
cout << setw(28) << left << "Monthly Interest Rate:" << rateMonthly << "%" <<endl;

setw 字段宽度是为 next item to be output and is reset to 0 afterwards 定义的。这就是为什么只有文本显示在 25 个字符上而不是该行的剩余输出。

rightleft 对齐符定义填充字符在字段中的放置位置。这意味着它仅适用于具有定义宽度的当前字段。这就是理由不适用于文本后面的项目的原因。

在这里你得到expected result

cout <<setw(25)<< left<< "Loan amount:" <<  "$ "<< setw(10)<<right << amount << endl;
cout <<setw(25)<< left << "Monthly Interest Rate:"<<"  "<<setw(10)<<right<< rateMonthly << " %" << endl; 

如果您希望 $ 位于数字旁边,您必须确保将 $ 和数字串联成一个对象进行输出,方法是将它们放在一个字符串中,或​​者使用货币格式。