使用可滚动选项卡视图时从 React Native 图标切换到 React Native 矢量图标
Switching from React Native Icons to React Native Vector Icons when using Scrollable Tab View
因此不再支持 React Native Icons - 我需要在使用 Scrollable-Tab-View 组件时切换到 React Native Vector Icons。问题是我在遇到这个错误时有点困惑:
You are setting the style `{ opacity: ... }` as a prop.
You should nest it in a style object.
E.g. `{ style: { opacity: ... } }` reactConsoleError
@ ExceptionsManager.js:78console.error
@ YellowBox.js:49warnForStyleProps
@ NativeMethodsMixin.js:41NativeMethodsMixin.setNativeProps
@ NativeMethodsMixin.js:116React.createClass.setNativeProps
@ create-icon-set.js:56(anonymous function)
@ menuTabBar.js:78module.exports.React.createClass.setAnimationValue
@ menuTabBar.js:70_updateValue
@ AnimatedImplementation.js:665setValue
@ AnimatedImplementation.js:557React.createClass._updateScrollValue
@ index.js:154React.createElement.onScroll
@ index.js:97ScrollResponderMixin.scrollResponderHandleScroll
@ ScrollResponder.js:259React.createClass.handleScroll
@ ScrollView.js:366invokeGuardedCallback
@ ReactErrorUtils.js:27executeDispatch
@ EventPluginUtils.js:98executeDispatchesInOrder
@ EventPluginUtils.js:121executeDispatchesAndRelease
@ EventPluginHub.js:43executeDispatchesAndReleaseTopLevel
@ EventPluginHub.js:54forEachAccumulated
@ forEachAccumulated.js:25EventPluginHub.processEventQueue
@ EventPluginHub.js:287runEventQueueInBatch
@ ReactEventEmitterMixin.js:18ReactEventEmitterMixin.handleTopLevel
@ ReactEventEmitterMixin.js:45merge._receiveRootNodeIDEvent
@ ReactNativeEventEmitter.js:120merge.receiveEvent
@ ReactNativeEventEmitter.js:142__callFunction
@ MessageQueue.js:159(anonymous function)
@ MessageQueue.js:85guard
@ MessageQueue.js:39callFunctionReturnFlushedQueue
@ MessageQueue.js:84messageHandlers.executeJSCall
@ debuggerWorker.js:25onmessage
@ debuggerWorker.js:42
'use strict';
var React = require('react-native');
var { StyleSheet, Text, View, TouchableOpacity, Animated } = React;
var Dimensions = require('Dimensions');
var window = Dimensions.get('window');
var Icon = require('react-native-vector-icons/Ionicons');
var styles = StyleSheet.create({
tab: {
flex: 1,
alignItems: 'center',
justifyContent: 'center',
paddingBottom: 5,
tabs: {
height: window.height/14,
flexDirection: 'row',
paddingTop: 5,
borderWidth: 1,
borderTopWidth: 0,
borderLeftWidth: 0,
borderRightWidth: 0,
borderBottomColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.05)',
icon: {
width: 25,
height: 25,
position: 'absolute',
top: 0,
left: 20,
module.exports = React.createClass({
selectedTabIcons: [],
unselectedTabIcons: [],
propTypes: {
goToPage: React.PropTypes.func,
activeTab: React.PropTypes.number,
tabs: React.PropTypes.array
renderTabOption: function(name, page) {
var isTabActive = this.props.activeTab === page;
return (
<TouchableOpacity key={name} onPress={() => this.props.goToPage(page)} style={[styles.tab]}>
<Icon name={name} size={25} color='#DD2A2A' style={styles.icon}
ref={(icon) => { this.selectedTabIcons[page] = icon }}/>
<Icon name={name} size={25} color='#436675' style={styles.icon}
ref={(icon) => { this.unselectedTabIcons[page] = icon }}/>
componentDidMount: function() {
this.setAnimationValue({value: this.props.activeTab});
this._listener = this.props.scrollValue.addListener(this.setAnimationValue);
setAnimationValue: function({value}) {
var currentPage = this.props.activeTab;
this.unselectedTabIcons.forEach((icon, i) => {
var iconRef = icon;
if (!icon.setNativeProps && icon !== null) {
iconRef = icon.refs.icon_image
if (value - i >= 0 && value - i <= 1) {
iconRef.setNativeProps({opacity: value - i});
if (i - value >= 0 && i - value <= 1) {
iconRef.setNativeProps({opacity: i - value});
render: function() {
var containerWidth = this.props.containerWidth;
var numberOfTabs = this.props.tabs.length;
var tabUnderlineStyle = {
position: 'absolute',
width: containerWidth / numberOfTabs,
height: 2,
backgroundColor: '#DD2A2A',
bottom: 0,
var left = this.props.scrollValue.interpolate({
inputRange: [0, 1], outputRange: [0, containerWidth / numberOfTabs]
return (
<View style={styles.tabs}>
{this.props.tabs.map((tab, i) => this.renderTabOption(tab, i))}
<Animated.View style={[tabUnderlineStyle, {left}]} />
border: function(color) {
return {
borderColor: color,
borderWidth: 1,
componentDidMount: function() {
this.setAnimationValue({value: this.props.activeTab});
this._listener = this.props.scrollValue.addListener(this.setAnimationValue);
setAnimationValue: function({value}) {
var currentPage = this.props.activeTab;
this.unselectedTabIcons.forEach((icon, i) => {
var iconRef = icon;
if (!icon.setNativeProps && icon !== null) {
iconRef = icon.refs.icon_image
if (value - i >= 0 && value - i <= 1) {
iconRef.setNativeProps({opacity: value - i});
if (i - value >= 0 && i - value <= 1) {
iconRef.setNativeProps({opacity: i - value});
通过转到 menuTabBar 文件(上面代码的来源)并将有问题的部分更改为以下内容来解决此问题:
setAnimationValue: function({value}) {
var currentPage = this.props.activeTab;
this.unselectedTabIcons.forEach((icon, i) => {
var iconRef = icon;
if (!icon.setNativeProps && icon !== null) {
iconRef = icon.refs.icon_image
if (value - i >= 0 && value - i <= 1) {
style: {
opacity: value - i,
if (i - value >= 0 && i - value <= 1) {
style: {
opacity: i - value,
if (value - i >= 0 && value - i <= 1) {
iconRef.setNativeProps({style: [styles.icon,{opacity: value - i}]});
if (i - value >= 0 && i - value <= 1) {
iconRef.setNativeProps({style: [styles.icon,{opacity: i - value}]});
因此不再支持 React Native Icons - 我需要在使用 Scrollable-Tab-View 组件时切换到 React Native Vector Icons。问题是我在遇到这个错误时有点困惑:
You are setting the style `{ opacity: ... }` as a prop.
You should nest it in a style object.
E.g. `{ style: { opacity: ... } }` reactConsoleError
@ ExceptionsManager.js:78console.error
@ YellowBox.js:49warnForStyleProps
@ NativeMethodsMixin.js:41NativeMethodsMixin.setNativeProps
@ NativeMethodsMixin.js:116React.createClass.setNativeProps
@ create-icon-set.js:56(anonymous function)
@ menuTabBar.js:78module.exports.React.createClass.setAnimationValue
@ menuTabBar.js:70_updateValue
@ AnimatedImplementation.js:665setValue
@ AnimatedImplementation.js:557React.createClass._updateScrollValue
@ index.js:154React.createElement.onScroll
@ index.js:97ScrollResponderMixin.scrollResponderHandleScroll
@ ScrollResponder.js:259React.createClass.handleScroll
@ ScrollView.js:366invokeGuardedCallback
@ ReactErrorUtils.js:27executeDispatch
@ EventPluginUtils.js:98executeDispatchesInOrder
@ EventPluginUtils.js:121executeDispatchesAndRelease
@ EventPluginHub.js:43executeDispatchesAndReleaseTopLevel
@ EventPluginHub.js:54forEachAccumulated
@ forEachAccumulated.js:25EventPluginHub.processEventQueue
@ EventPluginHub.js:287runEventQueueInBatch
@ ReactEventEmitterMixin.js:18ReactEventEmitterMixin.handleTopLevel
@ ReactEventEmitterMixin.js:45merge._receiveRootNodeIDEvent
@ ReactNativeEventEmitter.js:120merge.receiveEvent
@ ReactNativeEventEmitter.js:142__callFunction
@ MessageQueue.js:159(anonymous function)
@ MessageQueue.js:85guard
@ MessageQueue.js:39callFunctionReturnFlushedQueue
@ MessageQueue.js:84messageHandlers.executeJSCall
@ debuggerWorker.js:25onmessage
@ debuggerWorker.js:42
'use strict';
var React = require('react-native');
var { StyleSheet, Text, View, TouchableOpacity, Animated } = React;
var Dimensions = require('Dimensions');
var window = Dimensions.get('window');
var Icon = require('react-native-vector-icons/Ionicons');
var styles = StyleSheet.create({
tab: {
flex: 1,
alignItems: 'center',
justifyContent: 'center',
paddingBottom: 5,
tabs: {
height: window.height/14,
flexDirection: 'row',
paddingTop: 5,
borderWidth: 1,
borderTopWidth: 0,
borderLeftWidth: 0,
borderRightWidth: 0,
borderBottomColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.05)',
icon: {
width: 25,
height: 25,
position: 'absolute',
top: 0,
left: 20,
module.exports = React.createClass({
selectedTabIcons: [],
unselectedTabIcons: [],
propTypes: {
goToPage: React.PropTypes.func,
activeTab: React.PropTypes.number,
tabs: React.PropTypes.array
renderTabOption: function(name, page) {
var isTabActive = this.props.activeTab === page;
return (
<TouchableOpacity key={name} onPress={() => this.props.goToPage(page)} style={[styles.tab]}>
<Icon name={name} size={25} color='#DD2A2A' style={styles.icon}
ref={(icon) => { this.selectedTabIcons[page] = icon }}/>
<Icon name={name} size={25} color='#436675' style={styles.icon}
ref={(icon) => { this.unselectedTabIcons[page] = icon }}/>
componentDidMount: function() {
this.setAnimationValue({value: this.props.activeTab});
this._listener = this.props.scrollValue.addListener(this.setAnimationValue);
setAnimationValue: function({value}) {
var currentPage = this.props.activeTab;
this.unselectedTabIcons.forEach((icon, i) => {
var iconRef = icon;
if (!icon.setNativeProps && icon !== null) {
iconRef = icon.refs.icon_image
if (value - i >= 0 && value - i <= 1) {
iconRef.setNativeProps({opacity: value - i});
if (i - value >= 0 && i - value <= 1) {
iconRef.setNativeProps({opacity: i - value});
render: function() {
var containerWidth = this.props.containerWidth;
var numberOfTabs = this.props.tabs.length;
var tabUnderlineStyle = {
position: 'absolute',
width: containerWidth / numberOfTabs,
height: 2,
backgroundColor: '#DD2A2A',
bottom: 0,
var left = this.props.scrollValue.interpolate({
inputRange: [0, 1], outputRange: [0, containerWidth / numberOfTabs]
return (
<View style={styles.tabs}>
{this.props.tabs.map((tab, i) => this.renderTabOption(tab, i))}
<Animated.View style={[tabUnderlineStyle, {left}]} />
border: function(color) {
return {
borderColor: color,
borderWidth: 1,
componentDidMount: function() {
this.setAnimationValue({value: this.props.activeTab});
this._listener = this.props.scrollValue.addListener(this.setAnimationValue);
setAnimationValue: function({value}) {
var currentPage = this.props.activeTab;
this.unselectedTabIcons.forEach((icon, i) => {
var iconRef = icon;
if (!icon.setNativeProps && icon !== null) {
iconRef = icon.refs.icon_image
if (value - i >= 0 && value - i <= 1) {
iconRef.setNativeProps({opacity: value - i});
if (i - value >= 0 && i - value <= 1) {
iconRef.setNativeProps({opacity: i - value});
通过转到 menuTabBar 文件(上面代码的来源)并将有问题的部分更改为以下内容来解决此问题:
setAnimationValue: function({value}) {
var currentPage = this.props.activeTab;
this.unselectedTabIcons.forEach((icon, i) => {
var iconRef = icon;
if (!icon.setNativeProps && icon !== null) {
iconRef = icon.refs.icon_image
if (value - i >= 0 && value - i <= 1) {
style: {
opacity: value - i,
if (i - value >= 0 && i - value <= 1) {
style: {
opacity: i - value,
if (value - i >= 0 && value - i <= 1) {
iconRef.setNativeProps({style: [styles.icon,{opacity: value - i}]});
if (i - value >= 0 && i - value <= 1) {
iconRef.setNativeProps({style: [styles.icon,{opacity: i - value}]});