在 svn 更新到修订后查看登录 cmd 行

See log in cmd line after svn update to revision


svn update -rXXXX


svn log

我只看到修订 XXXX 之前的条目。我怎样才能看到更新的?


svn log 将使用工作副本的修订版。来自帮助文本:

log: Show the log messages for a set of revision(s) and/or path(s).
usage: 1. log [PATH][@REV]
       2. log URL[@REV] [PATH...]

  1. Print the log messages for the URL corresponding to PATH
     (default: '.'). If specified, REV is the revision in which the
     URL is first looked up, and the default revision range is REV:1.
     If REV is not specified, the default revision range is BASE:1,
     since the URL might not exist in the HEAD revision.

请注意最后一句话,"BASE" 被定义为 "base rev of item's working copy"(再次来自帮助文本)。因此,只需将 "HEAD" 作为您想要的日志的修订版传递:

svn log -r HEAD:1