Mailgun sendMessage参数异常

Mailgun sendMessage parameter exception

为什么函数 sendMessage() 在这里抛出异常?

$mg = new MailGun('my_actual_api_key');

$response = $mg->sendMessage('', array(
    'from'     => '',
    'to'       => '',
    'subject'  => 'Test',
    'html'     => '<h1>Test body</h2>'


Fatal error: Uncaught exception'Mailgun\Connection\Exceptions\MissingRequiredParameters' with message 'The parameters passed to the API were invalid. Check your inputs!' in C:\wamp\www\sektor\admin\app\application\third_party\MailGun\vendor\mailgun\mailgun-php\src\Mailgun\Connection\RestClient.php on line 127

显然我发送给 API 的参数是错误的,但这是遵循 MailGun API 文档,但这显然不起作用。


要获得有关该错误的更多详细信息,请使用 this patch 中的代码:

Adds the actual response message to the errors thrown on 400, 401 and 404 response codes. This provides a lot more useful info than the current messages. The message doesn’t really give you much to go on. I spent hours trying to find what I did wrong, double checking my API keys and looking up the error on google.

像这样更改源文件 src/Mailgun/Connection/RestClient.php完整补丁位于

抛出异常 EXCEPTION_MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAMETERS 时,使用方法 getResponseExceptionMessage() 获取更多信息(注意添加和删除行前面的 + 和 - 符号):

elseif($httpResponseCode == 400){
-           throw new MissingRequiredParameters(ExceptionMessages::EXCEPTION_MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAMETERS);
+           throw new MissingRequiredParameters(ExceptionMessages::EXCEPTION_MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAMETERS . $this->getResponseExceptionMessage($responseObj));

+     * @param \Guzzle\Http\Message\Response $responseObj
+     * @return string
+     */
+   protected function getResponseExceptionMessage(\Guzzle\Http\Message\Response $responseObj){
+       $body = (string)$responseObj->getBody();
+       $response = json_decode($body);
+       if (json_last_error() == JSON_ERROR_NONE && isset($response->message)) {
+           return " " . $response->message;
+       }
+   }