来自 PHImageManager 的图像数据不同于保存为资产的图像数据

Image data from PHImageManager differs from image data saved as asset


我正在创建位图,然后从该位图构建 PNG。然后我将该 PNG 保存到相册中。通过其本地标识符取回该资产,然后使用 PHImageManager 检索与该资产关联的 UIImage 后,我注意到图像的字节已更改。我不确定在另存为 PHAsset 时是否添加了 headers 或什么,但我真的看不到插入和检索图像之间的任何公共字节。但是,当我将检索到的图像本身放入视图中时,它看起来很正确,所以我很困惑。


// image is a UIImage

// This is to show what the bytes are prior to saving
let imageRef = image.CGImage!
let cgData = CGDataProviderCopyData(CGImageGetDataProvider(imageRef))
let data = NSData(data: cgData)
let bytes = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>(data.bytes)

for i in 0..<16 {

var assetIdentifier: String!

// collectionIdentifier is a valid local identifier for an existing collection
let collectionFetchRequest = PHAssetCollection.fetAssetCollectionsWithLocalIdentifiers([collectionIdentifier], options: nil)
let collection = collectionFetchRequest.firstObject as! PHAssetCollection


    let assetCreationRequest = PHAssetChangeRequest.creationRequestForAssetFromImage(image)
    let collectionChangeRequest = PHAssetCollectionChangeRequest(forAssetCollection: collection)!
    let assetPlaceholder = assetCreationRequest.placeholderForCreatedAsset!
    assetIdentifier = assetPlaceholder.localIdentifier

}) { (_, _) in

    let assetFetchRequest = PHAsset.fetchAssetsWithLocalIdentifiers([assetIdentifier], options: nil)
    let asset = assetFetchRequest.firstObject as! PHAsset

    let options = PHImageRequestOptions()
    options.synchronous = true
    options.version = .Current
    options.resizeMode = .None

    // The image is actually 64 x 64, but the targetSize doesn't seem to affect the bytes I'm getting out, I assume because the options aren't saying not to resize or crop anything
    // This was the not working code.
    // PHImageManager.defaultManager().requestImageForAsset(asset, targetSize: CGSizeMake(256, 256), contentMode: .Default, options: options) { (retrievedImage, _) in

    // This is the working code.
    PHImageManager.defaultManager().requestImageDataForAsset(asset, options: options) { (data, _, _, _) in

        let retrievedImage = UIImage(data: data!)!

        // This is to show what the bytes are after retrieving
        let retrievedCGImage = retrievedImage!.CGImage!
        let retrievedCFData = CGDataProviderCopyData(CGImageGetDataProvider(retrievedCGImage))!
        let retrievedData = NSData(data: retrievedCFData)
        let retrievedBytes = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>(retrievedData.bytes)

        // Length is the same but the bytes are not even close to right
        for i in 0..<16 {


请随时更正此代码中任何不正确或低效的部分。这段代码应该 运行,所以如果您看到任何语法错误或输入错误的变量,这些错误仅出现在 Whosebug 而不是 XCode,因此它们不是导致此字节问题的原因。另外就图像中的字节而言,我不关心第 4 个字节,它是 alpha 组件,因为从我目前的测试来看它总是 255。如果有人知道我如何利用这第 4 个字节,而无需在保存图像时将其设置为 255 或只是没有 alpha 组件,那也会有所帮助。




感谢您的提醒。事实证明你对 requestImageDataForAsset 工作是正确的。我将编辑原始代码块以反映工作代码。您是否知道它在文档的哪个位置描述了 requestImageForAsset 返回的图像?

此外,您是否知道任何描述 requestImageDataForAsset 返回的数据的文档?图片存储机制我不是很熟悉,但是requestImageData返回的数据也和图片不完全匹配,直到变成UIImage。


Whosebug 可爱的界面让输入键提交评论,然后给最多 5 分钟的时间进行编辑。太好了。

requestImageForAsset 方法不保证您获得字节完美的输出。我建议您尝试 requestImageDataForAsset 方法,它应该会给出您期望的结果。