如何将现有的 phabricator diff 一分为二?

How do I split an existing phabricator diff into two?


每个差异都有很多提交,我可以找出哪一个(大部分)将提交字符串拆分为两个不同的任务,尽管更清晰的拆分将基于文件名(即 N 个文件是与 task-1 相关联,M 个其他文件与 task-2 相关联)。


Is there a simple way to do this (either by commit or files)? Thanks!


[git format-patch][1]


# first checkout the desired commit that you want to use
# or stay on the desired branch itself
git checkout commit_id

# now create patch for the desired diff tree you want
# This command will create a **single** patch file with all the diffs 
# in the given range. (X commits back)
git format-patch HEAD~X --stdout > patch_file.patch

# or if you need the full branch history use the branch name
git format-patch <branch name> --stdout > patch_file.patch

一个简单的解决方案(尽管我猜 codeWizard 的是更好的实践方案):

get checkout mybranch
git rm --cached <filefornewbranch1>
git rm --cached <filefornewbranch2>
arc diff
git checkout -t -b newbranch
git add <filefornewbranch1>
git add <filefornewbranch2>
arc diff