是否可以通过少于 9 次比较来检查 2 组 3 个整数中的任何一个是否相等?

Is it possible to check if any of 2 sets of 3 ints is equal with less than 9 comparisons?

int eq3(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f){
    return a == d || a == e || a == f 
        || b == d || b == e || b == f 
        || c == d || c == e || c == f;

此函数接收 6 个整数,如果前 3 个整数中的任何一个等于最后 3 个整数中的任何一个,则 returns 为真。有没有类似按位破解的方法可以让它更快?

假设您期望 false 的结果率很高,您可以快速 "pre-check" 快速隔离此类情况:

如果在 a 中设置了一个位,但在 def 中都没有设置,则 a 不能相等对其中任何一个。


int pre_eq3(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f){
    int const mask = ~(d | e | f);
    if ((a & mask) && (b & mask) && (c & mask)) {
         return false;
    return eq3(a, b, c, d, e, f);

可以 加快速度(8 个操作而不是 9 17,但如果结果实际上是 [=18,则成本更高=]).如果 mask == 0 那么这当然无济于事。

如果很有可能 a & b & c 设置了一些位,这可以进一步改进:

int pre_eq3(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f){
    int const mask = ~(d | e | f);
    if ((a & b & c) & mask) {
        return false;
    if ((a & mask) && (b & mask) && (c & mask)) {
         return false;
    return eq3(a, b, c, d, e, f);

现在,如果 a、b 和 c 的 所有 都设置了位,而 d、e 和 c 的 none 设置了任何位,我们很快就会出局。

如果您想要按位版本,请查看 xor。如果您异或两个相同的数字,则答案将为 0。否则,如果一个已设置而另一个未设置,则位将翻转。例如 1000 xor 0100 就是 1100。

您拥有的代码可能会导致至少 1 次管道刷新,但除此之外它的性能还不错。

我认为使用 SSE 可能值得研究。

自从我写任何东西以来已经 20 年,并且没有进行基准测试,但是类似于:

#include <xmmintrin.h>
int cmp3(int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t c, int32_t d, int32_t e, int32_t f){
    // returns -1 if any of a,b,c is eq to any of d,e,f
    // returns 0 if all a,b,c != d,e,f
    int32_t __attribute__ ((aligned(16))) vec1[4];
    int32_t __attribute__ ((aligned(16))) vec2[4];
    int32_t __attribute__ ((aligned(16))) vec3[4];
    int32_t __attribute__ ((aligned(16))) vec4[4];
    int32_t __attribute__ ((aligned(16))) r1[4];
    int32_t __attribute__ ((aligned(16))) r2[4];
    int32_t __attribute__ ((aligned(16))) r3[4];

    // fourth word is DNK


    __m128i v1 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i *)vec1);
    __m128i v2 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i *)vec2);
    __m128i v3 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i *)vec3);
    __m128i v4 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i *)vec4);

    // any(a,b,c) == d? 
    __m128i vcmp1 = _mm_cmpeq_epi32(v1, v2);
    // any(a,b,c) == e?
    __m128i vcmp2 = _mm_cmpeq_epi32(v1, v3);
    // any(a,b,c) == f?
    __m128i vcmp3 = _mm_cmpeq_epi32(v1, v4);

    _mm_store_si128((__m128i *)r1, vcmp1);
    _mm_store_si128((__m128i *)r2, vcmp2);
    _mm_store_si128((__m128i *)r3, vcmp3);

    // bit or the first three of each result.
    // might be better with SSE mask, but I don't remember how!
    return r1[0] | r1[1] | r1[2] |
           r2[0] | r2[1] | r2[2] |
           r3[0] | r3[1] | r3[2];

如果操作正确,没有分支的 SSE 应该快 4 到 8 倍。



你应该避免store-forwarding stalls做三小店和一大负载的结果。

///// UNTESTED ////////
#include <immintrin.h>
int eq3(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f){

    // Use _mm_set to let the compiler worry about getting integers into vectors
    // Use -mtune=intel or gcc will make bad code, though :(
    __m128i abcc = _mm_set_epi32(0,c,b,a);  // args go from high to low position in the vector
    // masking off the high bits of the result-mask to avoid false positives
    // is cheaper than repeating c (to do the same compare twice)

    __m128i dddd = _mm_set1_epi32(d);
    __m128i eeee = _mm_set1_epi32(e);

    dddd = _mm_cmpeq_epi32(dddd, abcc);
    eeee = _mm_cmpeq_epi32(eeee, abcc);  // per element: 0(unequal) or -1(equal)
    __m128i combined = _mm_or_si128(dddd, eeee);

    __m128i ffff = _mm_set1_epi32(f);
    ffff = _mm_cmpeq_epi32(ffff, abcc);
    combined = _mm_or_si128(combined, ffff);

    // results of all the compares are ORed together.  All zero only if there were no hits
    unsigned equal_mask = _mm_movemask_epi8(combined);
    equal_mask &= 0x0fff;  // the high 32b element could have false positives
    return equal_mask;
    // return !!equal_mask if you want to force it to 0 or 1
    // the mask tells you whether it was a, b, or c that had a hit

    // movmskps would return a mask of just 4 bits, one for each 32b element, but might have a bypass delay on Nehalem.
    // actually, pmovmskb apparently runs in the float domain on Nehalem anyway, according to Agner Fog's table >.<

这会编译成非常好的 asm,clang 和 gcc 之间非常相似,但是 clang's -fverbose-asm puts nice comments on the shuffles。只有 19 条指令,包括 ret,具有来自独立依赖链的相当数量的并行性。使用 -msse4.1-mavx,它可以节省另外几条指令。 (但可能 运行 不会更快)

有了 clang,dawg 的版本大约是原来的两倍。使用 gcc 时,会发生一些糟糕的事情,而且非常可怕(超过 80 条指令。看起来像 gcc 优化错误,因为它看起来比直接翻译源代码更糟糕)。即使是 clang 的版本也花费了很长时间将数据输入/输出向量 regs,以至于只进行无分支比较和 OR 真值在一起可能会更快。


// 8bit variable doesn't help gcc avoid partial-register stalls even with -mtune=core2 :/
int eq3_scalar(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f){
    char retval = (a == d) | (a == e) | (a == f)
         | (b == d) | (b == e) | (b == f)
         | (c == d) | (c == e) | (c == f);
    return retval;

研究如何将数据从调用者获取到向量 regs 中。 如果三人一组来自记忆,那么可能。传递指针以便向量加载可以从它们的原始位置获取它们是最好的。在通往向量的途中通过整数寄存器很糟糕(更高的延迟,更多的 uops),但如果你的数据已经存在于 regs 中,那么进行整数存储然后向量加载是一种损失。 gcc 是愚蠢的,并遵循 AMD 优化指南的建议在内存中反弹,尽管 Agner Fog 说他发现即使在 AMD CPU 上也不值得这样做。在 Intel 上肯定更糟,在 AMD 上显然是洗牌或更糟,所以它绝对是 -mtune=generic 的错误选择。无论如何...

我们的 9 个比较中的 8 个也可以只用两个压缩向量比较。

第9个可以用整数比较来完成,并将其真值与向量结果进行或运算。在某些 CPU 上(尤其是 AMD,也许还有 Intel Haswell 及更高版本),根本不将 6 个整数中的一个传输到向量 regs 可能是一个胜利。将三个整数无分支比较与矢量混洗/比较混合在一起可以很好地交织它们。

可以通过对整数数据使用 shufps 来设置这些向量比较(因为它可以组合来自两个源寄存器的数据)。这在大多数 CPU 上都很好,但是在使用内部函数而不是实际的 asm 时需要进行大量烦人的转换。即使存在旁路延迟,与 punpckldq 然后 pshufd 之类的东西相比,这也不是一个糟糕的权衡。

aabb    ccab
====    ====
dede    deff


像这样的 asm:

#### untested
# pretend a is in eax, and so on
movd     xmm0, eax
movd     xmm1, ebx
movd     xmm2, ecx

shl      rdx, 32
#mov     edi, edi     # zero the upper 32 of rdi if needed, or use shld instead of OR if you don't care about AMD CPUs
or       rdx, rdi     # de in an integer register.
movq     xmm3, rdx    # de, aka (d<<32)|e
# in 32bit code, use a vector shuffle of some sort to do this in a vector reg, or:
#pinsrd  xmm3, edi, 1  # SSE4.1, and 2 uops (same as movd+shuffle)
#movd    xmm4, edi    # e

movd     xmm5, esi    # f

shufps   xmm0, xmm1, 0            #  xmm0=aabb  (low dword = a; my notation is backwards from left/right vector-shift perspective)
shufps   xmm5, xmm3, 0b01000000   # xmm5 = ffde  
punpcklqdq xmm3, xmm3            # broadcast: xmm3=dede
pcmpeqd  xmm3, xmm0              # xmm3: aabb == dede

# spread these instructions out between vector instructions, if you aren't branching
xor      edx,edx
cmp      esi, ecx     # c == f
#je   .found_match    # if there's one of the 9 that's true more often, make it this one.  Branch mispredicts suck, though
sete     dl

shufps   xmm0, xmm2, 0b00001000  # xmm0 = abcc
pcmpeqd  xmm0, xmm5              # abcc == ffde

por      xmm0, xmm3
pmovmskb eax, xmm0    # will have bits set if cmpeq found any equal elements
or       eax, edx     # combine vector and scalar compares
jnz  .found_match
# or record the result instead of branching on it
setnz    dl

这也是 19 条指令(不算最后的 jcc / setcc),但其中一条是异或归零惯用语,还有其他简单的整数指令。 (较短的编码,有些可以 运行 在无法处理矢量指令的 Haswell+ 端口 6 上)。由于构建 abcc 的洗牌链,可能会有更长的 dep 链。

如果您的 compiler/architecture 支持 vector extensions(如 clang 和 gcc),您可以使用类似的东西:

#ifdef __SSE2__
#include <immintrin.h>
#elif defined __ARM_NEON
#include <arm_neon.h>
#elif defined __ALTIVEC__
#include <altivec.h>
//#elif ... TODO more architectures

static int hastrue128(void *x){
#ifdef __SSE2__
    return _mm_movemask_epi8(*(__m128i*)x);
#elif defined __ARM_NEON
    return vaddlvq_u8(*(uint8x16_t*)x);
#elif defined __ALTIVEC__
typedef __UINT32_TYPE__ v4si __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (16), aligned(4), __may_alias__));
    return vec_any_ne(*(v4si*)x,(v4si){0});
    int *y = x;
    return y[0]|y[1]|y[2]|y[3];

//if inputs will always be aligned to 16 add an aligned attribute
//otherwise ensure they are at least aligned to 4
int cmp3(  int* a  ,  int* b ){
typedef __INT32_TYPE__ i32x4 __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (16), aligned(4), __may_alias__));
    i32x4 x = *(i32x4*)a, cmp, tmp, y0 = y0^y0, y1 = y0, y2 = y0;
    //start vectors off at 0 and add the int to each element for optimization
    //it adds the int to each element, but since we started it at zero,
    //a good compiler (not ICC at -O3) will skip the xor and add and just broadcast/whatever
    y0 += b[0];
    y1 += b[1];
    y2 += b[2];
    cmp =  x == y0;
    tmp =  x == y1; //ppc complains if we don't use temps here
    cmp |= tmp;
    tmp =  x ==y2;
    cmp |= tmp;
    //now hack off then end since we only need 3
    cmp &= (i32x4){0xffffffff,0xffffffff,0xffffffff,0};
    return hastrue128(&cmp);

int cmp4(  int* a  ,  int* b ){
typedef __INT32_TYPE__ i32x4 __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (16), aligned(4), __may_alias__));
    i32x4 x = *(i32x4*)a, cmp, tmp, y0 = y0^y0, y1 = y0, y2 = y0, y3 = y0;
    y0 += b[0];
    y1 += b[1];
    y2 += b[2];
    y3 += b[3];
    cmp =  x == y0;
    tmp =  x == y1; //ppc complains if we don't use temps here
    cmp |= tmp;
    tmp =  x ==y2;
    cmp |= tmp;
    tmp =  x ==y3;
    cmp |= tmp;
    return hastrue128(&cmp);

在 arm64 上编译为以下无分支代码:

        ldr     q2, [x0]
        adrp    x2, .LC0
        ld1r    {v1.4s}, [x1]
        ldp     w0, w1, [x1, 4]
        dup     v0.4s, w0
        cmeq    v1.4s, v2.4s, v1.4s
        dup     v3.4s, w1
        ldr     q4, [x2, #:lo12:.LC0]
        cmeq    v0.4s, v2.4s, v0.4s
        cmeq    v2.4s, v2.4s, v3.4s
        orr     v0.16b, v1.16b, v0.16b
        orr     v0.16b, v0.16b, v2.16b
        and     v0.16b, v0.16b, v4.16b
        uaddlv h0,v0.16b
        umov    w0, v0.h[0]
        uxth    w0, w0
        ldr     q2, [x0]
        ldp     w2, w0, [x1, 4]
        dup     v0.4s, w2
        ld1r    {v1.4s}, [x1]
        dup     v3.4s, w0
        ldr     w1, [x1, 12]
        dup     v4.4s, w1
        cmeq    v1.4s, v2.4s, v1.4s
        cmeq    v0.4s, v2.4s, v0.4s
        cmeq    v3.4s, v2.4s, v3.4s
        cmeq    v2.4s, v2.4s, v4.4s
        orr     v0.16b, v1.16b, v0.16b
        orr     v0.16b, v0.16b, v3.16b
        orr     v0.16b, v0.16b, v2.16b
        uaddlv h0,v0.16b
        umov    w0, v0.h[0]
        uxth    w0, w0

并且在 ICC x86_64 -march=skylake 上它生成以下无分支代码:

        vmovdqu   xmm2, XMMWORD PTR [rdi]                       #27.24
        vpbroadcastd xmm0, DWORD PTR [rsi]                      #34.17
        vpbroadcastd xmm1, DWORD PTR [4+rsi]                    #35.17
        vpcmpeqd  xmm5, xmm2, xmm0                              #34.17
        vpbroadcastd xmm3, DWORD PTR [8+rsi]                    #37.16
        vpcmpeqd  xmm4, xmm2, xmm1                              #35.17
        vpcmpeqd  xmm6, xmm2, xmm3                              #37.16
        vpor      xmm7, xmm4, xmm5                              #36.5
        vpor      xmm8, xmm6, xmm7                              #38.5
        vpand     xmm9, xmm8, XMMWORD PTR __$U0.0.0.2[rip]      #40.5
        vpmovmskb eax, xmm9                                     #11.12
        ret                                                     #41.12
        vmovdqu   xmm3, XMMWORD PTR [rdi]                       #46.24
        vpbroadcastd xmm0, DWORD PTR [rsi]                      #51.17
        vpbroadcastd xmm1, DWORD PTR [4+rsi]                    #52.17
        vpcmpeqd  xmm6, xmm3, xmm0                              #51.17
        vpbroadcastd xmm2, DWORD PTR [8+rsi]                    #54.16
        vpcmpeqd  xmm5, xmm3, xmm1                              #52.17
        vpbroadcastd xmm4, DWORD PTR [12+rsi]                   #56.16
        vpcmpeqd  xmm7, xmm3, xmm2                              #54.16
        vpor      xmm8, xmm5, xmm6                              #53.5
        vpcmpeqd  xmm9, xmm3, xmm4                              #56.16
        vpor      xmm10, xmm7, xmm8                             #55.5
        vpor      xmm11, xmm9, xmm10                            #57.5
        vpmovmskb eax, xmm11                                    #11.12

它甚至可以在带有 altivec 的 ppc64 上运行——尽管绝对不是最优的

        lwa 10,4(4)
        lxvd2x 33,0,3
        vspltisw 11,-1
        lwa 9,8(4)
        vspltisw 12,0
        xxpermdi 33,33,33,2
        lwa 8,0(4)
        stw 10,-32(1)
        addi 10,1,-80
        stw 9,-16(1)
        li 9,32
        stw 8,-48(1)
        lvewx 0,10,9
        li 9,48
        xxspltw 32,32,3
        lvewx 13,10,9
        li 9,64
        vcmpequw 0,1,0
        lvewx 10,10,9
        xxsel 32,44,43,32
        xxspltw 42,42,3
        xxspltw 45,45,3
        vcmpequw 13,1,13
        vcmpequw 1,1,10
        xxsel 45,44,43,45
        xxsel 33,44,43,33
        xxlor 32,32,45
        xxlor 32,32,33
        vsldoi 1,12,11,12
        xxland 32,32,33
        vcmpequw. 0,0,12
        mfcr 3,2
        rlwinm 3,3,25,1
        cntlzw 3,3
        srwi 3,3,5
        lwa 10,8(4)
        lxvd2x 33,0,3
        vspltisw 10,-1
        lwa 9,12(4)
        vspltisw 11,0
        xxpermdi 33,33,33,2
        lwa 7,0(4)
        lwa 8,4(4)
        stw 10,-32(1)
        addi 10,1,-96
        stw 9,-16(1)
        li 9,32
        stw 7,-64(1)
        stw 8,-48(1)
        lvewx 0,10,9
        li 9,48
        xxspltw 32,32,3
        lvewx 13,10,9
        li 9,64
        xxspltw 45,45,3
        vcmpequw 13,1,13
        xxsel 44,43,42,45
        lvewx 13,10,9
        li 9,80
        vcmpequw 0,1,0
        xxspltw 45,45,3
        xxsel 32,43,42,32
        vcmpequw 13,1,13
        xxlor 32,32,44
        xxsel 45,43,42,45
        lvewx 12,10,9
        xxlor 32,32,45
        xxspltw 44,44,3
        vcmpequw 1,1,12
        xxsel 33,43,42,33
        xxlor 32,32,33
        vcmpequw. 0,0,11
        mfcr 3,2
        rlwinm 3,3,25,1
        cntlzw 3,3
        srwi 3,3,5
