glGetQueryObjectuiv,"Bound query buffer is not large enough to store result."

glGetQueryObjectuiv, "Bound query buffer is not large enough to store result."

我正在尝试解决 运行 this sample.



    viewports[0] = new Vec4(windowSize.x * -0.5f, windowSize.y * -0.5f, windowSize.x * 0.5f, windowSize.y * 0.5f);
    viewports[1] = new Vec4(0, 0, windowSize.x * 0.5f, windowSize.y * 0.5f);
    viewports[2] = new Vec4(windowSize.x * 0.5f, windowSize.y * 0.5f, windowSize.x * 0.5f, windowSize.y * 0.5f);
    viewports[3] = new Vec4(windowSize.x * 1.0f, windowSize.y * 1.0f, windowSize.x * 0.5f, windowSize.y * 0.5f);

每次,它都会 glBeginQuery 使用不同的查询并第一次呈现,然后我查询 GL_ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED

    // Samples count query
    for (int i = 0; i < viewports.length; ++i) {

        gl4.glViewportArrayv(0, 1, viewports[i].toFA_(), 0);

        gl4.glBeginQuery(GL_ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED, queryName.get(i));
            gl4.glDrawArraysInstanced(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, vertexCount, 1);


    gl4.glBindBuffer(GL_QUERY_BUFFER, bufferName.get(Buffer.QUERY));
    IntBuffer params = GLBuffers.newDirectIntBuffer(1);
    for (int i = 0; i < viewports.length; ++i) {
        params.put(0, i);
        gl4.glGetQueryObjectuiv(queryName.get(i), GL_QUERY_RESULT, params);


GlDebugOutput.messageSent(): GLDebugEvent[ id 0x502
    type Error
    severity High: dangerous undefined behavior
    source GL API
    msg GL_INVALID_OPERATION error generated. Bound query buffer is not large enough to store result.
    when 1455696348371
    source 4.5 (Core profile, arb, debug, compat[ES2, ES3, ES31, ES32], FBO, hardware) - 4.5.0 NVIDIA 356.39 - hash 0x238337ea]

如果我查看 api doc 他们会说:


    If a buffer is bound to the GL_QUERY_RESULT_BUFFER target, then params is treated as an offset to a location within that buffer's data store to receive the result of the query. If no buffer is bound to GL_QUERY_RESULT_BUFFER, then params is treated as an address in client memory of a variable to receive the resulting data. 

我猜这句话有误,我认为他们的意思是 GL_QUERY_BUFFER 而不是 GL_QUERY_RESULT_BUFFER,例如他们确实使用 GL_QUERY_BUFFERhere.. 无论如何,如果那里绑定了任何东西,那么 params 被解释为偏移量,ok


    gl4.glBindBuffer(GL_QUERY_BUFFER, bufferName.get(Buffer.QUERY));
    gl4.glBufferData(GL_QUERY_BUFFER, Integer.BYTES * queryName.capacity(), null, GL_DYNAMIC_COPY);
    gl4.glBindBuffer(GL_QUERY_BUFFER, 0);


我尝试为缓冲区大小写一个大数字,例如 500,但没有成功...


if I have to answer, I say I expect that if I bind a buffer to GL_QUERY_BUFFER target, then OpenGL should read the value inside params and interpreter that as the offset (in bytes) where it should save the result of the query to.



GLuint val;
glGetQueryObjectuiv(obj, GL_QUERY_RESULT, &val);

val 由客户端代码声明(即:调用 OpenGL 的代码)。此代码将指针传递给该变量,glGetQueryObjectuiv 将数据写入该指针。

这是通过使用 *Buffer 类型在 C# 绑定中模拟的。这些表示连续的值数组,C# 可以从中提取与 C 和 C++ 指针数组兼容的指针。

但是,当缓冲区绑定到 GL_QUERY_BUFFER 时,参数的含义会发生变化。正如您所指出的,它从一个指向内存的客户端指针变成了一个偏移量。但请注意上面说的是什么。它不是说"client pointer to an offset"。


用 C++ 术语来说,就是这样:

glBindBuffer(GL_QUERY_BUFFER, buff);
glGetQueryObjectuiv(obj, GL_QUERY_RESULT, reinterpret_cast<void*>(16));

请注意它如何获取 16 个字节的偏移量并假装此值实际上是一个 void*,其数值为 16。这就是重新解释转换所做的。

你如何在 C# 中做到这一点?我不知道;这将取决于您使用的绑定,并且您从未指定那是什么。 Tao 早就死了,OpenTK looks to be heading that way too. But I did find out how to do this in OpenTK.


gl4.glBindBuffer(GL_QUERY_BUFFER, bufferName.get(Buffer.QUERY));
for (int i = 0; i < viewports.length; ++i)
    gl4.glGetQueryObjectuiv(queryName.get(i), GL_QUERY_RESULT,
        (IntPtr)(i * Integer.BYTES));

您乘以 Integer.BYTES 次,因为该值是 字节偏移量 到缓冲区,而不是整数数组的整数索引。