LINQ to SQL [npgsql] 从 SelectMany 生成不正确的查询

LINQ to SQL [npgsql] Generating incorrect query from SelectMany

我目前正在 ASP.NET Core 1.0 中使用 Linq to SQL 和 npgsql PostgreSQL 适配器。

我有以下 LINQ 查询,它预期 return 类型 Device

var devices = DeviceConfigurationDbContext.UserGroupMembershipList
            .Where(ugml => ugml.UserId == currentUser.Id)
            .Select(ugml => ugml.UserGroup)
            .SelectMany(ug => ug.UserGroupAccessList)
            .Select(uga => uga.DeviceGroup)
            .SelectMany(dg => dg.Devices);

此代码的目的是通过对 UserGroupMembershipList 执行 Where 来查找允许特定用户访问的所有设备,然后加入其余的 table 直到到达 Device 的列表。


UserGroupMembershipList -(多对一)-> UserGroup -(一对多)-> UserGroupAccessList -(多对一)-> DeviceGroup - (一对多)-> Device

UserGroupAccessList 是一个 ACL,充当 UserGroupDeviceGroup 之间的多对多连接 table。

然后生成 SQL 查询:

SELECT "ugml"."Id", "ugml"."DeviceGroupId", "d"."DeviceGroupId", "d"."Name", "uga.DeviceGroup"."Id"
FROM "Device" AS "ugml"
INNER JOIN "UserGroup" AS "ugml.UserGroup" ON "ugml"."UserGroupId" = "ugml.UserGroup"."Id"
CROSS JOIN "UserGroupAccess" AS "uga"
INNER JOIN "DeviceGroup" AS "uga.DeviceGroup" ON "uga"."DeviceGroupId" = "uga.DeviceGroup"."Id"
CROSS JOIN "Device" AS "d"
WHERE ("ugml"."UserId" = @__currentUser_Id_0) AND ("ugml.UserGroup"."Id" = "ugml"."UserGroupId")


An exception occurred in the database while iterating the results of a query. Npgsql.NpgsqlException: 42703: column ugml.UserGroupId does not exist

这似乎是因为 SQL 查询出于某种原因执行 SELECT FROM "Device" AS ugml 而不是 SELECT FROM "UserGroupMembershipList" AS ugml。此外,where 子句似乎因此不正确。

关于 Linq 查询,我做错了什么吗?是否有任何其他方法可以解决我正在尝试完成的问题,从而避免此错误?



var devices = (await DeviceConfigurationDbContext.UserGroupMembershipList
            .Where(ugml => ugml.UserId == currentUser.Id)
            .Include(o => o.UserGroup)
                .ThenInclude(o => o.UserGroupAccessList)
                .ThenInclude(o => o.DeviceGroup)
                .ThenInclude(o => o.Devices)
            .Select(ugml => ugml.UserGroup)
            .SelectMany(ug => ug.UserGroupAccessList)
            .Select(uga => uga.DeviceGroup)
            .SelectMany(dg => dg.Devices);


为什么不发出单个 Select 查询并投影出结果?

var devices = await DeviceConfigurationDbContext.UserGroupMembershipList
              .Where(ugml => ugml.UserId == currentUser.Id)
              .Include(o => o.UserGroup)
              .ThenInclude(o => o.UserGroupAccessList)
              .ThenInclude(o => o.DeviceGroup)
              .ThenInclude(o => o.Devices)
              .SelectMany(ugml =>  ugml.UserGroup.UserGroupAccessLists
                                       .Select(ugal => ugal.DeviceGroup.Devices)


如果您仍然看到问题,我怀疑 npgsql 适配器周围仍然存在一些问题,因为我在 github.

的 npgsql 分支中跟踪了一些类似的错误