
Administration of telegram channel

我遇到了 Telegram 频道的问题, 一个人创建一个频道并向其中添加其他管理员, 然后她拿走了她的电报。现在需要向该频道添加另一个电报管理员。


Telegram 不是那样工作的。它完全在云端。这意味着如果她重新安装她的 Telegram 应用程序,就好像她没有卸载它一样。 (卸载不同于删除您的帐户)



What happens after account deletion?

User will get automatically logged out of their Telegram clients.

Username and the phone number of a deleted account immediately become available to reuse.

If the user recreates the Telegram account with the same phone number, the TQ will change. The account will have the same phone number but will be a fresh new account with a different unique ID (#tq number).

TDesktop (Windows) will still show the old account's display name, even after restarting the client. The name does not change to DELETED / Unknown / Hidden Name, etc. This is at least if you had a previous chat history with the old deleted account. If you re log in, the name will show as blank (no name at all). Other Telegram clients may display deleted accounts as DELETED / Unknown / Hidden Name, depending on the client and language/translation strings.

User's last seen will display as “Last seen a long time ago” in modern clients (“offline” in very old clients) You can still type to a deleted account, but the messages will never be received by the Telegram servers. They will always show a clock icon, instead of 1 check.

Bots created from a deleted account are deleted too and their usernames become available to reuse.

Groups and channels aren't deleted and stay orphaned (no one gets privileges of the creator).

更新:我很确定电报已更新,因此如果管理员离开群组或频道(通过手动离开或删除他们的帐户),那么连接时间最长的用户将获得管理员控制权。 .(机器人仍然失去他们的管理员并变得无用) (我无法快速找到它的来源,很确定它是在更改发生时他们发送的更新电报之一)