golang syscall.Mount 中没有这样的设备

golang no such device in syscall.Mount

我正在尝试使用 syscall.Mount 函数挂载 USB 随身碟并将文件系统自动检测到某个文件夹。我从内核的 netlink 套接字获取设备路径并尝试将其挂载到 /tmp/+devicename,在我的实例中 /dev/sdd1 应该挂载到 /tmp/sdd1


if err := syscall.Mount(src, target, "auto", 0, "ro"); err != nil {
    log.Printf("Mount(\"%s\", \"%s\", \"auto\", 0, \"ro\")\n",src,target)


main.go:47: Mount("/dev/sdd1", "/tmp/sdd1", "auto", 0, "ro")
main.go:48: no such device

我是 运行 具有 "sudo" root 权限的应用程序,但它似乎无法使用系统调用包进行挂载。但是,如果我在终端类型 sudo mount /dev/sdd1 /tmp/sdd1 中工作正常。


感谢任何帮助。 干杯

你没有指定你的 OS 但我认为这个问题在许多实现中都是一样的。

Linux syscall.Mount just wraps mount(2) which doesn't itself support the concept of an "auto" fstype

mount(8)命令"auto"一起工作的原因是因为it does its own magic:

If no -t option is given, or if the auto type is specified, mount will try to guess the desired type. Mount uses the blkid library for guessing the filesystem type; if that does not turn up anything that looks familiar, mount will try to read the file /etc/filesystems, or, if that does not exist, /proc/filesystems.