Xamarin 垃圾收集器和循环引用

Xamarin garbage collector and circular references

在阅读 "Performance" 部分下的 Xamarin 文档时,我注意到以下章节:

The following diagram illustrates a problem that can occur with strong references:

Object A has a strong reference to object B, and object B has a strong reference to object A. Such objects are known as immortal objects due to the presence of the circular strong references. This parent-child relationship is not unusual, and as a result, neither object can be reclaimed by the garbage collector, even if the objects are no longer in use by the application.

这是我第一次听说 C#/.NET/Mono 上下文中的“不朽对象”。

然后该页面继续建议在其中一个对象中使用 WeakReference,这将删除强循环引用并解决此“问题”。

同时,garbage collection 上的 Xamarin 文档声称:

Xamarin.Android uses Mono's Simple Generational garbage collector. This is a mark-and-sweep garbage collector [...]

标记和清除 GC 是否不受循环引用的影响?

由于循环引用导致的内存泄漏仅适用于 Xamarin.iOS,对本机对象使用引用计数。


Boehm – This is a conservative, non-generational garbage collector. It is the default garbage collector used for Xamarin.iOS applications that use the Classic API.
