向 visual studio 2015 更新 1 添加新的 textmate 语法

adding a new textmate grammar to visual studio 2015 update 1

在 visual studio 2015 update 1 发布博客 post (https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/visualstudio/2015/11/30/visual-studio-update-1-rtm/) 中明确提到了添加 textmate 包(或语法)的能力:

Editor support for new languages. The Visual Studio editor now provides built-in syntax highlighting and basic IntelliSense support for languages including Go, Java, Perl, R, Ruby, and Swift. We support the TextMate bundle model for language grammars and snippets, allowing you to extend this with support for other languages.

我想为我自己的语言创建一个新的 textmate 语法,但我找不到任何文档,如何在 vs2015 更新 1 中执行此操作。

我找到的最佳来源是这个 reddit 对话:https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/3uvwn3/visual_studio_2015_update_1/

It looks like it's implemented as an extension, "Visual Studio Extension for Textmate Grammars." If you search for *.tmbundle in your visual studio\Common7\IDE\Extensions directory you will find the location of the tmbundles. I just made a new folder for Julia and copied the Julia tmbundle to it. Seems to work.

这是支持的执行方式吗?为什么没有任何文档、visual studio 菜单等?





Mads Kristensen 现在似乎有一个扩展,它为 Visual Studio 提供了大量的 TextMate 语法。看起来添加其他语言也很容易...您可以查看存储库并确切了解添加其他语法所需的内容。
