在 F# 中,有没有办法为基本类型定义类型检查的别名?

In F#, is there a way to define a type-checked alias for a primitive type?

我想定义恰好由相同类型支持的类型(例如,FirstNameLastName,它们都是 string),但我希望它们进行类型检查,这样我就不会错误地混合和匹配它们:

> type FirstName = string;;
type FirstName = string

> type LastName = string;;
type LastName = string

> let n : FirstName = "John";;
val n : FirstName = "John"

//I wish this were caught:
> let l : LastName = n;;
val l : LastName = "John"

有没有办法在 F# 中执行此操作,而不是定义记录类型或类似的类型?


type FirstName =
    | FirstName of string

type LastName =
    | LastName of string

let n = FirstName "John"
let l: LastName = n // error

有关如何使用它们的更多信息,请参阅博客 post here


type FirstName

type LastName

let n = "John"<Firstname>
let l:string<LastName> = n

这会引发错误。 Here is the MSDN Documentation of Units of Measure