为什么数据在 socket.io 中丢失?

Why is data being lost in socket.io?


这是相关的 Python 处理程序:

@socketio.on('Request logs')
def handle_request_logs():
    logfile = '/path/to/some_log.log'

    # gets last 25 lines from logfile
    last_n_lines = tailer.tail(open(logfile), 25)

    # sends the initial 25 lines
    emit('Initial send', { 'lines' : last_n_lines })

    # emits lines that were appended to logfile
    def tail(logfile):
        for line in tailer.follow(open(logfile)):
            print("About to emit {0}".format(line))
            emit('log', { 'line' : line })

    # emit added lines as they come
    t = threading.Thread(target=tail, args=(logfile,))

这是接收 'log':

的 JS
  socket.on('log', function(data) {
      alert("Got some data: ", data['line']);

每当我在日志中附加一些内容(例如 echo 'hello, world!' >> /path/to/some_log.log)时,我都会在客户端上看到一条带有消息的警报 "Got some data: "。但是,我的服务器打印 "About to emit hello, world!".


您的提醒中有一个逗号 (javascript)。它可能应该是一个 + 用于连接。