安装 cocos2d-objc 但它显示 cocos2d swift

Installed cocos2d-objc but it says cocos2d swift

我有一个使用 cocos2d 的应用程序,之前它运行良好。

我在 myapp 项目中更新了 cocos2d-obj。



来自 here,但日志中有一些消息说 'cocos2D-Swift'.....??



cocos2d: Cocos2D-Swift version 3.4.3-develop
cocos2d: compiled with Profiling Support: NO
cocos2d: OS version: 9.2 (0x09020000)
cocos2d: 64 bit runtime
cocos2d: Multi-threaded rendering: 0
cocos2d: OpenGL Rendering enabled.cocos2d: GL_VENDOR:    Apple Inc.
cocos2d: GL_RENDERER:  Apple Software Renderer
cocos2d: GL_VERSION:   OpenGL ES 2.0 APPLE-12.0.40
cocos2d: GLSL_VERSION: OpenGL ES GLSL ES 1.00
cocos2d: GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE: 4096
cocos2d: GL_MAX_SAMPLES: 4
cocos2d: GL supports PVRTC: YES
cocos2d: GL supports BGRA8888 textures: YES
cocos2d: GL supports NPOT textures: YES
cocos2d: GL supports discard_framebuffer: YES
cocos2d: GL supports shareable VAO: NO
cocos2d: CCGraphicsBufferClass: CCGraphicsBufferGLUnsynchronized
cocos2d: CCGraphicsBufferBindingsClass: CCGraphicsBufferBindingsGL
cocos2d: CCRenderCommandDrawClass: CCRenderCommandDrawGL
2016-02-20 06:08:59.312 myapp[2859:886706] cocos2d: viewDidLoad
cocos2d: Cocos2D-Swift version 3.4.3-develop
cocos2d: compiled with Profiling Support: NO
cocos2d: OS version: 9.2 (0x09020000)
cocos2d: 64 bit runtime
cocos2d: Multi-threaded rendering: 0
cocos2d: OpenGL Rendering enabled.cocos2d: GL_VENDOR:    Apple Inc.
cocos2d: GL_RENDERER:  Apple Software Renderer
cocos2d: GL_VERSION:   OpenGL ES 2.0 APPLE-12.0.40
cocos2d: GLSL_VERSION: OpenGL ES GLSL ES 1.00
cocos2d: GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE: 4096
cocos2d: GL_MAX_SAMPLES: 4
cocos2d: GL supports PVRTC: YES
cocos2d: GL supports BGRA8888 textures: YES
cocos2d: GL supports NPOT textures: YES
cocos2d: GL supports discard_framebuffer: YES
cocos2d: GL supports shareable VAO: NO
cocos2d: CCGraphicsBufferClass: CCGraphicsBufferGLUnsynchronized
cocos2d: CCGraphicsBufferBindingsClass: CCGraphicsBufferBindingsGL
cocos2d: CCRenderCommandDrawClass: CCRenderCommandDrawGL
2016-02-20 06:09:00.056 myapp[2859:886706] cocos2d: animation started with frame interval: 60.00
2016-02-20 06:09:00.060 myapp[2859:886706] cocos2d: surface size: 960x1704


// override default logic
- (void)runWithScene:(CCScene*) scene
    NSAssert( scene != nil, @"Argument must be non-nil");
    NSAssert(_runningScene == nil, @"This command can only be used to start the CCDirector. There is already a scene present.");

    [self pushScene:scene];

    NSThread *thread = [self runningThread];

// error happned here.
    [self performSelector:@selector(drawScene) onThread:thread withObject:nil waitUntilDone:YES];
       Thred 1: EXEC_BAD_ACCESS(code=1,address=0x0)

Cocos2D-Swift 只是一个营销名称。当天赞助我们的合适公司这样称呼它以吸引更多人。

现在当 Apportable 破产时,我们将名称改回 Cocos2D-ObjC。尽管它已完全启用 Swift,但内部没有 Swift 代码。

更新到最新的稳定版本 (3.4.0) 或即将发布的最新 3.5-RC。