== 与 readlines() 中的行进行比较失败

== comparisons against lines from readlines() fail

我目前正在开发一个小的字谜程序,它获取一个词的所有可能排列并将它们与字典进行比较。但是,我无法打印结果。罪魁祸首似乎是 == 运算符,如果我输入 ''.join(words[i]) == compare[j] 什么都不打印,但是,如果我输入 hi 和 运行 带有 ''.join(words[i]) == "hi" 的程序会打印整个字典,但如果我反转它 "hi" == compare[j] 没有打印。


import itertools

run = input("Please enter a word: ")
dictionary = "dictionary.txt" #input("Please enter the name of the dictionary file: ")
txt = open(dictionary)

compare = txt.readlines()

words = (list(itertools.permutations(run)))

for i in range(0, len(words)):
    for j in range(0, len(compare)):
        if ''.join(words[i]) == compare[j]:
compare = txt.readlines()

readlines() 不会去除每行的行尾,因此每行的末尾都会有一个 \n。这会导致您与 compare[j] 的所有比较都失败。

你可以用类似的东西删除 \n

compare = [line.strip() for line in txt]


compare = compare.replace('\n', '')

请注意,如果您的单词有 W 个字母,并且您的词典有 D 个单词,则您的搜索正在进行 W! * D 比较。

您可以将这两个词都转换为规范形式(即按字母顺序排列的字母),从而将其简化为 D 比较。

如果您要搜索 N 个词,您可以通过将字典存储为 {canonical_form: [list,of,matching,words]}:[=19= 进一步减少每个词的 D / N 次比较(摊销) ]

from collections import defaultdict

DICT_FILE = "dictionary.txt"

def canonize(word):
    # "hello\n" => "ehllo"
    return "".join(sorted(word.strip()))

def load_dict(fname=DICT_FILE):
    lookup = defaultdict(list)
    with open(fname) as inf:
        for line in inf:
            word = line.strip()
            canon = canonize(word)
    # lookup["ehllo"] = ["hello"]
    return lookup

def main():
    anagrams = load_dict()
    while True:
        word = input("Enter word to search for (or hit Enter to quit): ").strip()
        if not word:
            canon = canonize(word)
            if canon in anagrams:
                print("Found: " + ", ".join(anagrams[canon]))
                print("No anagrams found.")

if __name__ == "__main__":


Enter word to search for (or hit Enter to quit): tester
Found: retest, setter, street, tester

Enter word to search for (or hit Enter to quit): binary
Found: binary, brainy

Enter word to search for (or hit Enter to quit): ttt
No anagrams found.

Enter word to search for (or hit Enter to quit):