VHDL - 自定义移位器 - 串联输入(在定义范围内)和剩余的零
VHDL - custom shifter - concatenation input (in defined range) and remaining zeros
1: with operand_b select result <=
2: operand_a when "0000",
3: operand_a(14 downto 0) & '0' when "0001",
4: operand_a(13 downto 0) & "00" when "0010",
5: operand_a(12 downto 0) & "000" when "0011",
6: operand_a(11 downto 0) & "0000" when "0100",
7: operand_a(10 downto 0) & "00000" when "0101",
8: operand_a(9 downto 0) & "000000" when "0110",
9: operand_a(8 downto 0) & "0000000" when "0111",
10: operand_a(7 downto 0) & "00000000" when "1000",
11: operand_a(6 downto 0) & "000000000" when "1001",
12: operand_a(5 downto 0) & "0000000000" when "1010",
13: operand_a(4 downto 0) & "00000000000" when "1011",
14: operand_a(3 downto 0) & "000000000000" when "1100",
15: operand_a(2 downto 0) & "0000000000000" when "1101",
16: operand_a(1 downto 0) & "00000000000000" when "1110",
17: operand_a(0) & "000000000000000" when others;
其中 operand_b
如您所见,这是相当大的瓶颈。当我们有例如 64 位移位器时会发生什么——很多无用的零。我在网上找到了很多如何更合理地编写它的方法,但是我尝试过的每个解决方案,如 operand_a(13 downto 0) & (others => '0') when "0010"
或 (15 downto 2 => operand_a(13 downto 0), others => '0') when "0010"
或 (operand_a(13 downto 0), others => '0') when "0010"
当我将第 4 行的 operand_a(13 downto 0) & "00" when "0010",
operand_a(13 downto 0) & (others => '0') when "0010",
无法确定 "others" 个值的总和。 (<= 也适用于第 17 行)
(15 downto 2 => operand_a(13 downto 0), others => '0') when "0010",
(operand_a(13 downto 0), others => '0') when "0010",
operand_a(13 downto 0) & (1 downto 0 => '0') when "0010",
(operand_a(13 downto 0), others => '0')
等值表达式应该适用于 IEEE Std 1076-2008。
比较 数组聚合,第 1 段和第 2 段:
For an aggregate of a one-dimensional array type, each choice shall specify values of the index type, and the expression of each element association shall be of either the element type or the type of the aggregate. If the type of the expression of an element association is the type of the aggregate, then either the element association shall be positional or the choice shall be a discrete range.
For an element association with a choice that is a discrete range and an expression of the element type of the aggregate, the value of the expression is the element at each index value in the range.
IEEE 标准 1076-1993 数组聚合第 1 段:
For an aggregate of a one-dimensional array type, each choice must specify values of the index type, and the expression of each element association must be of the element type. An aggregate of an n-dimensional array type, where n is greater than 1, is written as a one-dimensional aggregate in which the index subtype of the aggregate is given by the first index position of the array type, and the expression specified for each element association is an (n-1)-dimensional array or array aggregate, which is called a subaggregate. A string or bit string literal is allowed as a subaggregate in the place of any aggregate of a one-dimensional array of a character type.
同时-2008 para 7允许使用others选择:
e) As a value expression in an assignment statement, where the target is a declared object (or member thereof), and either the subtype of the target is a fully constrained array subtype or the target is a slice name
(目标是切片名称已从以前的修订版中添加。)可以使用 others 选择的规则要求您具有提供子类型约束的上下文.
所以它告诉我们您正在使用的 VHDL 实现不兼容 -2008(或未被用作 -2008 兼容)。
此功能是升级到 -2008 兼容性时实现的优先级通常较低的功能之一。
如果您发现您的 VHDL 工具缺乏支持,可以使用其他方式来表达您的移位器,例如:
process (operand_b, operand_a)
variable b: integer range 0 to operand_a'HIGH;
result <= (others => '0');
if not is_x(operand_b) then -- culling meta-values
b := to_integer(unsigned(operand_b));
for i in result'range loop
if i = b then
result(result'high downto i) <=
operand_a (operand_a'high - i downto 0);
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end process;
此过程符合综合条件,因为切片范围取决于包括循环常量在内的静态值,循环展开或并行化以进行综合。 operand_b
此方法的工作原理是将所有 result
写入“0”,然后将 operand_a
所需的部分写入 result
。它取决于同一进程内的顺序分配(并且可以在 -2008 兼容实现中与顺序条件信号分配一起使用)以及 if 语句或 case 语句。 (但不是取决于同一左侧目标的选定信号分配)。
1: with operand_b select result <=
2: operand_a when "0000",
3: operand_a(14 downto 0) & '0' when "0001",
4: operand_a(13 downto 0) & "00" when "0010",
5: operand_a(12 downto 0) & "000" when "0011",
6: operand_a(11 downto 0) & "0000" when "0100",
7: operand_a(10 downto 0) & "00000" when "0101",
8: operand_a(9 downto 0) & "000000" when "0110",
9: operand_a(8 downto 0) & "0000000" when "0111",
10: operand_a(7 downto 0) & "00000000" when "1000",
11: operand_a(6 downto 0) & "000000000" when "1001",
12: operand_a(5 downto 0) & "0000000000" when "1010",
13: operand_a(4 downto 0) & "00000000000" when "1011",
14: operand_a(3 downto 0) & "000000000000" when "1100",
15: operand_a(2 downto 0) & "0000000000000" when "1101",
16: operand_a(1 downto 0) & "00000000000000" when "1110",
17: operand_a(0) & "000000000000000" when others;
其中 operand_b
如您所见,这是相当大的瓶颈。当我们有例如 64 位移位器时会发生什么——很多无用的零。我在网上找到了很多如何更合理地编写它的方法,但是我尝试过的每个解决方案,如 operand_a(13 downto 0) & (others => '0') when "0010"
或 (15 downto 2 => operand_a(13 downto 0), others => '0') when "0010"
或 (operand_a(13 downto 0), others => '0') when "0010"
当我将第 4 行的 operand_a(13 downto 0) & "00" when "0010",
operand_a(13 downto 0) & (others => '0') when "0010",
无法确定 "others" 个值的总和。 (<= 也适用于第 17 行) 连接操作的大小与目标的大小不同。
(15 downto 2 => operand_a(13 downto 0), others => '0') when "0010",
(operand_a(13 downto 0), others => '0') when "0010",
operand_a(13 downto 0) & (1 downto 0 => '0') when "0010",
(operand_a(13 downto 0), others => '0')
等值表达式应该适用于 IEEE Std 1076-2008。
比较 数组聚合,第 1 段和第 2 段:
For an aggregate of a one-dimensional array type, each choice shall specify values of the index type, and the expression of each element association shall be of either the element type or the type of the aggregate. If the type of the expression of an element association is the type of the aggregate, then either the element association shall be positional or the choice shall be a discrete range.
For an element association with a choice that is a discrete range and an expression of the element type of the aggregate, the value of the expression is the element at each index value in the range.
IEEE 标准 1076-1993 数组聚合第 1 段:
For an aggregate of a one-dimensional array type, each choice must specify values of the index type, and the expression of each element association must be of the element type. An aggregate of an n-dimensional array type, where n is greater than 1, is written as a one-dimensional aggregate in which the index subtype of the aggregate is given by the first index position of the array type, and the expression specified for each element association is an (n-1)-dimensional array or array aggregate, which is called a subaggregate. A string or bit string literal is allowed as a subaggregate in the place of any aggregate of a one-dimensional array of a character type.
同时-2008 para 7允许使用others选择:
e) As a value expression in an assignment statement, where the target is a declared object (or member thereof), and either the subtype of the target is a fully constrained array subtype or the target is a slice name
(目标是切片名称已从以前的修订版中添加。)可以使用 others 选择的规则要求您具有提供子类型约束的上下文.
所以它告诉我们您正在使用的 VHDL 实现不兼容 -2008(或未被用作 -2008 兼容)。
此功能是升级到 -2008 兼容性时实现的优先级通常较低的功能之一。
如果您发现您的 VHDL 工具缺乏支持,可以使用其他方式来表达您的移位器,例如:
process (operand_b, operand_a)
variable b: integer range 0 to operand_a'HIGH;
result <= (others => '0');
if not is_x(operand_b) then -- culling meta-values
b := to_integer(unsigned(operand_b));
for i in result'range loop
if i = b then
result(result'high downto i) <=
operand_a (operand_a'high - i downto 0);
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end process;
此过程符合综合条件,因为切片范围取决于包括循环常量在内的静态值,循环展开或并行化以进行综合。 operand_b
此方法的工作原理是将所有 result
写入“0”,然后将 operand_a
所需的部分写入 result
。它取决于同一进程内的顺序分配(并且可以在 -2008 兼容实现中与顺序条件信号分配一起使用)以及 if 语句或 case 语句。 (但不是取决于同一左侧目标的选定信号分配)。