在 JavaScript 多维数组中查找每个 x 值的最大值

Find Max value of each x value in JavaScript multidimensional array

我想 'reduce' 数组只为 JavaScript 多维数组中的每个 x(或索引 0)值设置最大值。


var mulitple = [["1/2013", 1],
                ["1/2013", 5],
                ["1/2013", 7],
                ["1/2013", 6],
                ["1/2013", 5],
                ["2/2013", 7],
                ["2/2013", 10],
                ["2/2013", 10],
                ["3/2013", 7],
                ["3/2013", 10],
                ["3/2013", 10],
                ["4/2013", 1],
                ["4/2013", 5],
                ["4/2013", 7],
                ["4/2013", 6],
                ["4/2013", 5],
                ["5/2013", 7]];


[["1/2013", 7],
 ["2/2013", 10],
 ["3/2013", 10],
 ["4/2013", 7],
 ["5/2013", 7]];

如何在 JavaScript 中实现此目的。




var max = 0;
var newarray = [];
for (var i = 1; i < mulitple.length; i++) {
    if (mulitple[i - 1][0] == mulitple[i][0]) {
        if (mulitple[i - 1][1] > max) {
            max = mulitple[i - 1][1];
    else {
        if (mulitple[i - 1][1] > max) {
            max = mulitple[i - 1][1];
        newarray.push([mulitple[i - 1][0], max]);
        max = 0;
newarray.push([mulitple[mulitple.length - 1][0], max]);

我遇到的问题是我无法将最后一个值(对于单独的记录)获取到数组中。这是我 运行 上述代码后的结果。

[["1/2013", 7], ["2/2013", 10], ["3/2013", 10], ["4/2013", 7], ["5/2013", 0]]



var reduced = [];
var groupName = '';
var groupMax;
var groupIndex;
var l = multiple.length; // Grab the array length only once

for (var i = 0; i < l; i++){
    // Current Group Name doesn't match last Group Name
    if (multiple[i][0] !== groupName) {
        // Last Group Name is not empty (it's not the first Group)
        if (groupName !== '') {
            // Assume groupIndex has been set and grab the item
        // Grab the new Group Name and set the initial Max and Index
        groupName = multiple[i][0];
        groupMax = multiple[i][1];
        groupIndex = i;

    // Current Value is bigger than last captured Group Max
    if (multiple[i][1] > groupMax) {
        // Grab the new Group Max and the current Index
        groupMax = multiple[i][1];
        groupIndex = i;

// Grab the last index, since there's no new group after the last item

可能存在一些语法或逻辑错误。我实际上没有 运行 这个代码,但我认为这个概念是正确的。

这假定原始数组已经排序。如果没有,您将不得不编写额外的函数来对 out.

function findMaximums(data) {
    var out = [], maximums = {}, order = new Set;

    data.reduce(function(acc, pair) {
        if (
            // Accumulator has value and it's lower than current
            (acc[pair[0]] && acc[pair[0]][1] < pair[1]) ||
            // Accumulator doesn't have value
        ) {
            acc[pair[0]] = pair; // Store maximum in accumulator
            order.add(pair[0]) // Store order in set
        return acc;
    }, maximums);

    order.forEach(function(key) {
        out.push(maximums[key]); // Populate out with maximums by order

    return out;



更新 1:相同,但没有 Set

function findMaximums(data) {
    var order = [];

    var maximums = data.reduce(function(acc, pair) {
        if (
            // Accumulator has value and it's lower than current
            (acc[pair[0]] && acc[pair[0]][2] < pair[1]) ||
            // Accumulator doesn't have value
        ) {
            // Store maximum
            acc[pair[0]] = pair;
            // Store order
            if (order.indexOf(pair[0]) === -1) {
        return acc;
    }, {});

    return order.map(function(key) {
        return maximums[key]; // Populate out with maximums by order

更新 2: 较短的版本。

function findMaximums(data) {
  return data.filter(function(p1, i1) {
    return !data.some(function(p2, i2) {
      return p1[0] === p2[0] && ( (p1[1] < p2[1]) || (p1[1] === p2[1] && i1 > i2) );


  1. 同月。
  2. 有更大的价值。

  1. 具有相同的值,但比测试对更早出现。这样可以防止重复。

在此处阅读有关使用的数组方法的更多信息:filter, some

这是一个测试版本,使用映射收集所有唯一值,然后输出按 month/year 排序,并且与输入数据的顺序无关。这也适用于所有浏览器 (IE6+)。


function findLargest(list) {
    var map = {}, output = [], item, key, val, current;
    for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
        item = list[i];
        key = item[0];
        val = item[1];
        current = map[key];
        if (current) {
            // this date is in the map, so make sure to save the largest
            // value for this date
            if (val > current) {
                map[key] = val;
        } else {
            // this date is not yet in the map, so add it
             map[key] = val;
    // map contains all the largest values, output it to an array
    // the map is not in a guaranteed order
    for (var key in map) {
        output.push([key, map[key]])

    // actually parse to numbers in sort so the comparison
    // works properly on number strings of different lengths
    function parseDate(str) {
        var split = str.split("/");
        return {m: +split[0], y: +split[1]};
    // now sort the output
    output.sort(function(t1, t2) {
        var diffYear, a, b;
        a = parseDate(t1[0]);
        b = parseDate(t2[0]);
        diffYear = a.y - b.y;
        if (diffYear !== 0) {
            return diffYear;
        } else {
            return a.m - b.m;
    return output;