PHP SOAP 答案的效用函数

PHP utility function for SOAP answer

我有一个 SOAP 响应,如下所示

<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <GetShowInformationResponse xmlns="">

我的 SOAP 调用给了我一个自定义字段列表:


它的回答是这样的(尽管可能是对象或 null):

Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [Name] => YouTubeID [Value] => XPCHmIOml0f ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [Name] => Episode Title [Value] => Raw Foods ) )

我需要编写一个实用函数,根据 'name' 提取我想要的字段,然后给我 'value'。这是我目前拥有的,但无法正常工作...

function ExtractCustomField($fieldName, $customFields) {
 // $customFields might be an object, null, or an array.
  $parsed = array();
  if (is_array($customFields) == false && $customFields != null) {
   $parsed = array($customFields);
  } elseif (is_array($customFields)) {
   $parsed = $customFields;

  // loop through the fields and find the one we are looking for
  $returnValue = null;
  foreach($field as $customFields) {
   if ($field->Name == $fieldName) {
    $returnValue = $field->Value;

  return $returnValue;


我很笨,@hakre 帮我解决了。

问题是混淆了 foreach 中的变量,并且没有 echo 函数。还发现如果它返回一个对象我没有把它正确地放入数组中。

function ExtractCustomField($fieldName, $customFields) {
// $customFields might be an object, null, or an array.
 if($customFields == null) {
   $customFields = array();       
 } else {
   $customFields = is_array($customFields) ? $customFields : array($customFields);

  // loop through the fields and find the one we are looking for
  $returnValue = null;
  foreach($customFields as $field) {
   if ($field->Name == $fieldName) {
    $returnValue = $field->Value;

  return $returnValue;

echo ExtractCustomField('YouTubeID',$result->GetShowInformationResult->CustomFields->CustomField);