
Modify existing value in dictionary (or defaultdictionary) by incrementing that value


例如: 名单:

[(a, 0.2), (b, 1), (a, 0.2), (a, 1)]


mydict = {"a": (# val below 1, # val equal to 1), ...}

因此: mydict = {"a": (2, 1), "b" :(0, 1)}


我应该这样做: mydict[mydict["a"]+1] 对于我看到的每个小于或等于 1 的值?


# Define list of numbers
lettersNumbersList = [["a", 0.2], ["b", 1], ["a", 0.2], ["a", 1]]

# Here is the dictionary you will populate.
numberOccurences = {}

# This function is used to increment the numbers depending on if they are less
# than or greater than one.
def incrementNumber(letter, number):

    countingArray = numberOccurences[letter]

    if number < 1:
        countingArray[0] = countingArray[0] + 1
    elif number >= 1:
        countingArray[1] = countingArray[1] + 1


# Loops through all of the list, gets the number and letter from it. If the letter
# is already in the dictionary then increments the counters. Otherwise starts 
# both from zero.
for item in lettersNumbersList:

    letter = item[0]
    number = item[1]

    if letter in numberOccurences:
        numberOccurences[letter] = incrementNumber(letter, number)

        numberOccurences[letter] = [0, 0]
        numberOccurences[letter] = incrementNumber(letter, number)


这应该比其他解决方案更快(而且,非常干净和 Pythonic 恕我直言):

mylist = [("a", 0.2), ("a", 0.9), ("b", 1), ("a", 1)]

mydict = dict(mylist)

for k in mydict.keys():
    mydict[k] = (len([t for t in mylist if t[0]==k and t[1]<1]),
                 len([t for t in mylist if t[0]==k and t[1]==1]))

# >>> mydict
# {'a': (2, 1), 'b': (0, 1)}